Chief Rabbis of France and South Africa

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    you can estimate 2^1000 without no logs! 2^10 (1024) ~ 10^3 (as in Kilobyte), so 2^1000 ~ 10^300. Or, as google is 10^100, it is a thousand googols. A kilogoogol brocha? Too bad, can’t abbreviate to KG for those who can confused with that metric system


    REB E for CR of the CR!

    Reb Eliezer

    The Binah Leitim in Eis Tzarah, the 1st Darush for Shabbos Divrei explains the connectiion of the haftoras for the three weeks. It says in Shabbos (119,2) that the churban came because shelo hohichu zeh es zeh, they did not admonish each other. Then it says. keayolim lo motzu mire, like rams that don’t find pasture, being like rams when walking, sticking their head in the tail of the other, not listening and therefore also ashaming talmidei chachamim. He says all are true. The talmudei chachamomim covered for each other, so they did not admonish each other, in order, as each is also knowledgeable, will admonish him back, but the hamon am, the layman, they did admonish. So they did not listen and the taomidei chachamim got ashamed. Therefore, the haftoras are divrei, to admonish equally everyone, then shimi, it will be listened to. The hochacha, admonishment should be what is described in chazon. Listening should bring the redemption and the rebuilding the beis hamikdash, the temple, ibimheira beyomeinu, in our time. Amen

    Reb Eliezer

    AAQ, will call it a KGL.


    @commonsaychel can we limit chief rabbi talk to this thread?

    once I’m at it, daasyachid for cr.
    reb Eliezer could (does) have the position (along with aaq) of changing the subject.


    I limit the Chief Rabbi talk to this thread, unless Reb E gives a long pilpul instead of a simple statement they I give the CR for CR plug. AAQ has already been nominated to the shuls grumpy man who complains its too hot, too cold, too early, too late, too dark, too light, too much food at the kiddush, too little food etc etc etc

    Reb Eliezer

    I have the means of researching any shaila.


    So does everyone else, but that why I nominate you for the CR of the CR

    Reb Eliezer

    CS, if everyone can do that, why nominate me?


    because the CR needs to be self assured


    and because he’s Hungarian.


    Not just a Hungarian but from Uberland too


    Another Chief Rabbi has emerged from a country with no Jews, now we have a Chief Rabbi of Saudi Arabia.
    PS we also found out that the Chief Rabbi of Moldava cant even write a letter in Moldavian


    Quick question, if Putin is successful in conquering Ukraine does R Berel Lazar become chief rabbi of Russia and Ukraine? and what happens to the existing title holder? does he become Chief Rabbi in exile? or Chief Rabbi Emeritus?


    Common, he can as well become chief r of the army and bless the troops with holly water. Abraham Hershel wrote, while still in Nazi Germany, that Spanish Jews were better off expelled than if they were to stay and join Spanish in their atrocities in Americas … Maybe send this essay to lazar


    @AAQ, At least Lazar lives there and that more than I can say about most Chief rabbis who don’t even live in the country where they are CR in.


    common, a fair point. I doubt Putin would allow CRs out of sight and out of line. R Salanter refused to head a Russian school system when offered to make havdala between kosher and treif. Lazar made his deal with the devil presumably to take care of the Jews there but it came at a price.


    There was just a news article saying that all three “Chief Rabbis of Ukraine” don’t even live there.


    I don’t know if Rabbi Bald is a Chief Rabbi of Ukraine. He is definitely the Rabbi of Lviv and I know as a fact that he lives there.

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