Ciao (for now)

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    I’m reading through some of the threads on the main page now and I came to one which really disgusted me. I tried to voice my opinion but it didn’t make it through, and while it was annoying, it wasn’t a major deal. And then I wondered why I would read and post on a site where something so gross (IMO) would make it on and I couldn’t come up with anything positive. In all honesty I’m probably too addicted to stop reading, and I’ve cut down a lot on posting but now maybe this is making it more official. Bl”n, unless there is something (of vital importance) I think needs an answer, or it comes to helping someone, I’m gonna play the “silence is golden” card.

    Hatzlacha gang! Its been fun!



    take care kapusta ur voice will be missed


    At least tell us which thread was so obscenely gross.


    yes, please do


    Just wanted to thank whichever mod was kind enough to delete the post.



    You’re not following in the ways of HaShem. By the story of Miriam, HaShem first rebuked and spoke openly before punishing.

    Am I right to assume it was for the nursing-in-public one? I, too, asked mods to stop the previous one, which they did.


    Kapusta well miss you!


    What grossed you out? I clearly missed it.


    i think i may be the guilty party because the thread i posted on last nite has dissappeared if it was me kapusta i am very sorry i was feeling a bit goofy last nite please come back



    the Mods are killing this board…there competitor lets you post with no restrictions….wonder if this will get


    That’s a reason to leave? On the contrary, that;s a reason to roll up your sleeves (not past the elbow, mind you) and come up with another plan of attack to get your point across.

    If I jumped ship every time the Mods gave me the dreaded EDIT, I’d have been gone long ago.

    C’mon, kapusta.. slipping past the mods is half the fun!

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    bpt – I think her point was not what of hers is edited, it’s what other people write that is NOT being edited. And Zeeskite, I find your post pretty offensive. I don’t think staying out of a chat room because of offensive (to her) posts is going against what Hashem wants. When people try to better themselves in their own eyes you might want to try supporting them, not putting them down.

    kapusta – Do what is right. Been having the same feelings with the same conclusions.


    “it’s what other people write that is NOT being edited”

    Can someone clue me in as to what this is all about? I mean, what in the world could have slipped past the censors that is SO radical, that people are choosing sides over.

    Did I miss something?

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Did I miss something?

    Yes. So did I.


    “I’m reading through some of the threads on the main page now and I came to one which really disgusted me.”

    Only one?

    If I’d leave after seeing one disgusting post, I wouldn’t have lasted a day in here. People say disgusting things. And worse, others agree with them. Whaddaya gonna do…


    i think it was my fault there was a thread about open toe shoes and the op asked if its ok to wear them i replied it depends on wether the toe jam has a good hechsher if i did in fact chase kapusta i am very sorry to have done so

    Pashuteh Yid

    I often take the precaution of saving my posts in a file before sending, since sometimes there can be an error that causes them to disappear. May be worth it to repost to see if a mod missed it.

    Anyway, I have been very frustrated a few times as well, so you are not the only one, Kapusta.

    YW also has some constraints that they must worry about so they will be acceptable to their poskim, both in halacha and in hashkafa and general flavor of the site. These are not necessarily my own hashkafas, so it can be upsetting when I can’t present my own point of view.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    bpt – I don’t think anything was SO radical, but there are some discussions that are bothersome enough that people request to have them removed. Kapusta felt something was gross, I find sometimes that things get too loose or, on occasion, hurtful. She said she didn’t think she should be reading and posting on a site that had things that she found had posts so ‘gross’. I sometimes feel that if I find things hurtful or too loose, or people’s beliefs being ‘ribbed’ than it is my own responsibility to find something else to do. IRL I wouldn’t be sitting and listening to those discussions so why do it here. I don’t think she was commenting on what others should do, it was what she wanted to do for herself.


    I am clueless here. And FTR, “gross” is in the mind of the thinker. Some people here think it is gross for a boy to call a girl by her name. So without knowing what Kapusta referred to, I cannot make an informed judgment.


    Good point. Still, I feel the better way of dealing something you don’t agree with is to voice your opposition to it. Not is a scathing letter to the editor, not by name calling. Just by stating your point of view.

    You may not be able to win over the opposition, but you may be the voice that brings someone who is undecided over to your side.

    A while ago, there was a thread (unrelated to this subject) the OP posted his question, the CR folks gave their two cents, and that was almost that.

    I say, almost that, because the tone with which (for the most part) the CR people answered in, left (IMHO) the op with the distinct feeling that his question, and his presence was appreciated.

    Now, today’s topic may have been over the top (if only I knew what it was?) and true, some of the posts may not have been nice and polite.

    So is that the way you want to leave a running commentary? With such a sour note? No, I think the thing to do is, sit yourself down, think thru your response AND POST YOUR TAKE!

    Yours just might be the opinion that the undecided folks go with.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    bpt – I think we’re talking apples and oranges. On one hand you can speak calmly and tell people about another angle or view point. On the other hand is the idea that there are certain conversations that you don’t feel you should be having at all in the first place. No examples, it only causes tangents.


    I’m laughing. All I did was try to say good bye and the CR does what the CR does best, argue!! (But I guess thats part of the pull.)

    I will try to explain what happened as best I can. I never said or thought I had to agree with everything posted. This is a public forum and I don’t expect everything posted to be in line with my opinion. Yes, there have been things which I’ve hated but again, everyone is entitled to their opinion just as I am. Now let me explain what I meant when I used the word disgusting: Writing something which comes out (I’m really hoping it was not intended this way) belittling and downright hurtful. Knocking someone else for a bit of fun. There are some things I can not tolerate and this is one of them. Maybe it was just me, maybe I took it to hard, but I’m sorry, thats who I am. I have nothing wrong with my posts not going through. In fact, most of the time when they’ve been deleted and I looked back to what I’ve written, I understood why they were deleted based on the wording etc. I’m trying to tell myself the post was written as a joke, but its not really working. I have a sense of humor, but there is a place to draw the line. It was pretty bad that it made it onto the board. Even worse that someone could write something like that at all. Like I said, I will probably continue reading and maybe even posting where I feel its necessary. But I really feel uncomfortable taking part in a place where making fun of someone (even as “jokey” as it may have been) could happen.

    Goq, you came the closest but it was not your post.


    🍫Syag Lchochma

    I didn’t think we were arguing, I thought we were talking. (is that arguing?) And you stated your point very well. I often feel the same way in regard to the belittling so I stop reading for a while. . . until I am stuck in a boring meeting and it starts all over again (meaning the magnetic pull)


    ty kapusta i am relieved


    95: In the OP, kapusta said that a) the comment was on the main page (not the CR) and b) it was primarily someone’s comment that disturbed her, not a comment of hers that was deleted that was her main concern.


    95 – Yes they are, but much more slowly.


    I meant the main CR page, not the main news page

    95, I understood that was why you deleted it and how it came off in the mod section and I had no issue with that. FTR, that comment was the super duper censored version and it took me some time to get to that point.

    BTW, the offending post was in no way directed at me.



    As I read through this thread I find myself incredulous as to the intent of the OP.

    IF something you read was so “gross” that it prompted you to initiate a thread denigrating the website and its patrons, why would you want to stick around?

    Just because one isn’t commenting that doesn’t stop OTHERS from spewing their vulgar comments, something I am sure you wouldn’t want to subject yourself to.

    Furthermore, had you in fact been so disgusted you wouldn’t have even bothered creating the thread. I can only speak for myself, but when I am truly disgusted with something I move as far away from the source of repulsion as possible, whether it be a certain website (yes, it has happened to me before) or moldy cheese.

    And that brings me to my dilemma. Were you in fact so repulsed by a comment(s) made on this site that you decided to pen the OP or, (more likely) did you feel the need to vent and wanted to do it in the most dramatic way possible?


    Also, what does CIAO mean?

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    The word ciao (Italian pronunciation: [?t?a?o], English: /?t?a?/) is an informal Italian verbal salutation or greeting, meaning either “hello”, “goodbye”, “bye” or “hi”. Originally from the Venetian language, it was adopted into the Italian language and eventually entered the vocabulary of English and of many other languages around the world. The word is mostly used as “goodbye” or “bye” in English, but in modern Italian and in other languages it may mean “hello” or “goodbye”.

    Either that, or food.


    I’m very confused.


    Sac: Had I just chosen to leave I would have left without a word. I commented about the post because I thought something should be said. I’m assuming you didn’t see the post or if you did maybe you didn’t think anything of it. When my reply didn’t go through I came to my decision but I still thought it called for a response so I started a thread. I wasn’t looking to make a big deal about leaving, but I wanted to make my point. Thats all. And I’ve been here for a long time, and with every negative here there are also certain positives, but this was too much in my book. And you’re right I wont stop anyone else from posting certain things (other than anything accomplished by this thread) but by my posting regularly I’m showing my approval for all the world to see.

    Be well, y’all.



    kapusta – it’s nice to have nice posters like you posting.



    You’re one of the nicer posters here – careful with what you have to say so as not to denigrate or upset others.

    It’s a shame if and when posters like you decide to leave.

    Nothing’s perfect; even with vigilant moderating, sometimes things slip thru – often unintentionally.

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