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- This topic has 17 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 10 months ago by ilovetheholyland.
May 5, 2011 8:50 pm at 8:50 pm #596688bygirl93Member
High school is almost over, and in January many teenagers just like me will be entering the real world (jobs, college, shidduchim).
is it normal to be scared? to not want to let go of the wonderful sheltered environment that your in? to just want to remain in high school with your friends? is it normal to be scared to grow up?
May 5, 2011 8:54 pm at 8:54 pm #764903adorableParticipantyes I was very scared and i think its just normal nerves! you are in the best stage in life in high school- old enough to have fun and drive around town hanging out with friends but young enough that you have no worries…enjoy it
May 5, 2011 10:53 pm at 10:53 pm #764904s2021MemberAttach yourself to someone you respect and can turn to for advice and mentoring. Dont rely on a relative or friend. You need to have someone else.
May 5, 2011 11:22 pm at 11:22 pm #764905StuffedCabbageParticipanthey bygirl93- im in the same boat as you. most of my friends are flying off to EY next year and im staying here….i wish i cud stay in school forever with my friends and not have to work or decide wat i should do with my life…….
May 5, 2011 11:42 pm at 11:42 pm #764906observanteenMemberBoy, I too am very nervous. But at the same time, itching to take this big jump. School is just totally stale (does that make any sense?). I’ve no patience or tolerence to listen to the rambling of teachers and take countless tests. I want to get my diploma, so I’d BETTER do a good job with my finals. It’s just simply GROSS. I feel like moving on.
Hold it! I KNOW, I know. The world out there is scary. I’ve no idea what kind of job I’ll end up taking/getting. I haven’t a clue what my husband, children, grandkids, neighbors etc. will end up being like. But life is unpredictable; no matter which stage you’re up to. And I also know that high school life is supposed to be “carefree”. Well, to me, it wasn’t (except for the year I was in the ninth grade).
So, bygirl, why not take everything as it comes? We aren’t exactly the first to graduate HS. If the others managed…Well, I guess we’ll too.
Good luck!
May 6, 2011 12:33 am at 12:33 am #764907eclipseMemberThis is THE BEST TIME of your life.
The world is open to you!
Daven to Hashem to help you make good choices.
May 6, 2011 12:44 am at 12:44 am #764908emlfMemberEven if you’re not attending seminary, make sure to at least have a once-a-week shiur, listen to a tape/CD – something. Make sure you have a ruchniyus anchor. And try to keep yourself as kadosh and tahor as possible. For example, try to find a job in the best environment possible.
May 6, 2011 1:16 am at 1:16 am #764909whatelseisleftMemberwhats the 6 month not “real” world period?
May 6, 2011 1:38 am at 1:38 am #764910s2021MemberBtw- Girls- U ned to chill.
After u graduate, and before u get married is when life is THE MOST carefree it will ever get.
When I was is highschool I felt pressured. All day. All evening. All night.
After- YOU choose the job you want. The hours you want. The wardrobe u want. The paycheck. How late you want to stay up. No homework. No tests. Calculaters are encouraged. U can quit. Sick days. No detention. No criticizm. (Unless u get a mean boss. But then -u can quit!) Shopping becomes a necessity…
Party on girls! As long as you look pretty u got no worries!
Btw- if ur in college this message doesnt totally apply.. 🙂
May 6, 2011 2:00 am at 2:00 am #764911bygirl93Memberwhatelse- seminary! in eretz yisrael! and thanx everyone!
s2021- i’m totally not pressured in high school- and now a days you can’t just quit- most families need 2 incomes- and what if your husband is in kollel? and in my school calculators are encouraged too. and shopping- don’t forget you need a budget and you need to second guess if you really need it- not everyone has their parents supporting them.
May 6, 2011 2:26 am at 2:26 am #764912StuffedCabbageParticipantok when you put it that way it doesnt sound so bad. but im definalty gonna miss the fact that when your in school, as long as you showed up in school that day you did what you had to do for the day…..idk….
May 6, 2011 3:51 am at 3:51 am #764913s2021Memberomg bygirl u need to relaaaaaaax
May 6, 2011 4:17 am at 4:17 am #764914aries2756ParticipantHere is a little secret for all those who want to break free and fly into the real world. Shhhhhhhhh don’t tell anyone. Ok, are you ready? The real world is nuts. It is full of crazy people with blue hair, earrings all over their bodies, and crazy colored tatoos wherever their beautiful clean skin used to be. They speak strange languages that sounds something like english but not quite because the words have only four letters and the clothes they wear seems like they outgrew or went into the dryer by mistake because they are either too small, too tight, too short, or just plain too something. They walk on stilts because everyone seems to want to be taller than everyone else, or they are afraid of their heels touching the sidewalk. They also walk in pairs and groups and walk right past you as if you were invisible, sometimes taking your purse with them. They don’t care if they step on your foot, spill their coffee on you, or knock you down. Isn’t that strange? Yeah, you would think they were all on drugs or something especially since everyone seems to be talking to themselves. And everyone has something growing out of theirs ears, its so odd what this world has come to.
OK, in all seriousness hold on to all the chinuch you were taught in your homes and in your schools. Because believe me you are going to need it. Know that Hashem is always with you and is always watching over you. Remember that you represent HIM and your relationship with him. “Da lifnei me atah omed”. Know before whom you stand. You are always standing before Melech Malchei Hamelachim, whether you are at home, in High School or out in the big, big world. It doesn’t matter if you are sitting in a classroom or in an office. You have to be yourself in all situations. You have to represent YOU and not where you are. YOU are still a frum young person in any given situation. It matters none that everyone else around you are speaking with a fowl mouth. If YOU do not use that language then DON’T do it. It is NOT cool to change who YOU are because that is what everyone around you is doing. What is cool, is to be YOU, and make THEM respect YOU for who YOU are. It is not cool to raise your hemline because that is what everyone you are working with does. It is cool to be yourself and dress the way YOU dress and have them respect and admire you for having style and grace and still be modest. If you don’t wear slits, don’t start because you are now in the real world. If you don’t wear skirts above your knees don’t start because now you are in the real world. If you don’t wear your top button open, don’t start now. Don’t start changing who YOU are because you are now in the real world.
YOU are real, very real no matter which world you step into. And YOU can fit into any situation without changing who you are or your individual or moral values or beliefs just because YOU are no longer within the shelter of your home or school environment. YOU are NOT wrong just because you are not part of the majority or are not willing to conform to what they consider “normal”. YOU are respectable because you live up to your own moral code and you own your own value system that is NOT influenced by the NORM but is influenced by what is right and wrong and by a higher authority.
So please enjoy your freedom, but make sure the choices you make are your choices and good choices for you and are not influenced by what others do and what others want of you.
May 6, 2011 5:37 am at 5:37 am #764915600 Kilo BearMemberRemember – al shloisha dvarim hagoilem oimed – velfare, food-shtempelach and section-acht. VehaMedicaid, harei ze meshibach.
May 6, 2011 4:07 pm at 4:07 pm #764916adorableParticipant600- LOL
Observ- your post was great and you are right
I think the one thing I did not do right was that I didn’t attach myself to any teachers in HS or sem and came home with lots and lots of friends but no teachers to talk to when the going gets rough….
May 6, 2011 6:01 pm at 6:01 pm #764917I can only tryMemberI strongly agree that staying in touch with good teacher(s) and/or principal(s) is important.
Staying in touch with high school friends is also important.
May 8, 2011 4:04 am at 4:04 am #764918giggle girlParticipantbygirl93 – I’m in the same situation. So far I have no plans for next year, and I really don’t want to grow up so quickly. My high school years were the four best years of my life so far, and I really don’t want to leave. It’s so sad! With Ha-Shem’s help everything will be just fine.
and aries – You crack me up! Thanks for the humor! I really needed that. My mother and sister were watching me laughing – at the computer. And I make fun of them for laughing at the computer! But seriously, you really have a good point. Don’t change yourself just because you’re entering a different world. A whole new stage in life doesn’t necessarily mean a whole new you.
a message to everyone – Hold onto your past. All the lessons you’ve learned and all the love and care your school has given you will help you through life. And most importantly, your teachers and principals (and parents) are there to help you and guide you. It might be hard to say goodbye to your school, your teachers, principals, friends etc., but stay in contact with them as much as you can, and carry them in your heart for ever and ever!
May 8, 2011 5:50 pm at 5:50 pm #764919ilovetheholylandParticipantso i would say that one of the most important things i find that keeps me in check, is too save ur notes and stuff from lessons that u enjoyed and reread them once in a while. it really helps!
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