Heter for Women Learning Torah in Beis Yaakov

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    The Shulchan Aruch states thus: “One who teaches his daughter Torah teaches her Tiflus which means dvar aveirah. The Rambam further states better for the Torah to get burned than it be taught to women. So whats the heter?


    MT: First of all, you left a word out of the Shulchan Aruch. Second of all, source that Rambam please. Also, see the Prishah (Drishah?) on that Siman in the Tur.


    I smell a troll.


    Further: “Ain Daatan mechuvenes lehavin v’chuli”


    As an interesting side, the Rambam states, Sefer Hamada Hilchos Teshuva Perek Yud halacha Aleph that women, since they lack the requisite Daas, are unable to serve HASHEM me’ahava and thus serve only from fear, “ad shetarbeh daatan umichanchin osun laavod meahava”. The Mesilas Yesharim at the beginning of Yiras Hacheit explains what is the yir’ah that is a staple of femininity.


    Soro Schenirer got endorsement & blessings from the Godol HaDor, RSRH to launch Beis Yaakov movement, so this is no Heter; This is an ideal; As I have heard from a later Godol haDor on numerous occasions, because of the Beis Yaakov movement, girls are looking for guys sitting in learning to be their partners.

    So what better destination, than Beis Yaakov for our gals.


    “Soro Schenirer got endorsement & blessings from the Godol HaDor, RSRH to launch Beis Yaakov movement, so this is no Heter”

    Um, when they wrote down the mishna, they had to go against a blatant issur, but “eis laasos” as a heter. There is no such thing in halacha as an “ideal”. The greatest “ideal” in the world is not sufficient to break even the smallest Rabbinic prohibition. Sometimes there is sufficient need for an extreme course of actions that defies halachic boundaries. Conservative and Reform hold that “ideals” superceed and can nullify Torah laws.


    Soro Scheiner’s heter (and it was a heter) was to teach girls in a formal school setting what was needed to keep them frum.



    Reb Moshe Feinstein and the tzitz eliezer (and maybe others ) have teshuvas on this inyan and they are mattir what the frummer beis yaakovs do and if you want to know why look it up.


    This guy does not even deserve a response.

    He should go back to where he came from.

    Maybe he is afraid that Women in the Yeshiva world will not only have more secular knowledge, but might be able to out learn their Husbands as well.

    You are simply scared.


    YosH: The OP is not wrong in asking. It is a legitimate question.


    mochoh: The Rambam does not say that. He says Torah shebal peh should no be taught and if it was that is tiflus,but Torah shbctav should not be taught l’chatchila but if it was it is not tiflus(Hilchos Talmud Torah 1:13). The quote of burning divrei Torah is from a yerushalmi(16a perek 3 halacha 4) quoted in tosfos in sotah 21b.


    sam4321: The Yerushalmi (that Tosfos quotes) says its better to burn Divrei Torah than to teach it to women?


    I never questioned whether it was right or necessary or disputed the enormous benefit that is gained by the bais yaakov system education girls!! THe question, even if eloquently phrased in the style of a real halachic shaylah, was simply WHAT was the heter, not that there isn’t one or there shouldn’t be. Don’t attribute meaning in between lines that aren’t there.


    “mochoh: The Rambam does not say that.”

    I never said that he did. Look up in the SA Yoreh Deah 146:20ish


    Here is the Tzitz : http://www.hebrewbooks.org/pdfpager.aspx?req=14508&st=&pgnum=42

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    Shmoel: ?????? ???? ?? ??? ???? ???? ?? ?? ??? ????? ???? ??? ???? ?? ??? ?????. ??? ?? ??? ????? ?? ??? ??? ?????? ????? (???? ??) ??? ??? ???? ?? ????? ???. ??? ?? ??????? ??? ????? ??? ?????? ??? ??? ?? ????? ????? ???? ??? ???? ??? ???? ??? ???. ??? ??? ????? ???? ???? ??? ????? ?????.


    sam4321 thank you for the link.


    Once again I do not understand it is 246:6 and he says the shitta of the Rambam,he does not mention the yerushalmi.


    i meant 246


    Mochoh: you fail to realize,you first post is incorrect the Rambam does not say that and the Shulchun Aruch as well.


    Mocho – what Torah are they learning that is not permitted. I don’t remember hearing any ‘sevoros’, ‘Abbaya & Rava’ etc.


    Is there such a thing as pesachdike troll house cookies?


    Goq: Yeah. Half-baked and slightly off, a la Pesach.


    Sam4: That’s an interesting Tzitz Eliezer. I hadn’t seen it before. I guarantee you that if anyone here said that S’vara we would immediately be branded as Apikorsim or, worse, “MO”. 🙂

    Also, see the parallel Bavli of that Yerushalmi (around Yoma 67, I think) which gives a different reason why R’ Elazar wouldn’t answer her. (Interestingly, the Yerushalmi is the Tanna R’ Eliezer but the Bavli is the Amora R’ Elazar, if I recall correctly. The stories are very similar though. I don’t know what the overall P’shat is.)


    Sam2: The Tzitz Eliezer, and poskim of his caliber, have the right to make certain svaras that *we* (as in us CR simpletons) do not have a right to.


    Girls dont learn for the sake of learning( like yeahivos at times) bys teach what is neccasary for a girl to grow up in the way of ‘H! Sara shneirer saw that girls where not havin the proper yeoras shmayim cause starting. To be with Non jewish kids….. So now bys teach to strengthen our love and fear of ‘H!! We learn what is needed to live like pracitcal halacos for shabbos.. Chumash where learn lessons for life … Not what happens if a friends donkey falls in a pit


    sam2 – i once came across a “sefer” in a chasidishe shul called toras imecha which spoke about the satmar approach to this topic and i saw it was constantly cursing out a sefer which it called ?”? calling him all sorts of names etc. So yeah, he did get screamed at. After that i found the teshuva that sam4 posted. I always love the tzitz eliezer annd his mehalach.


    I most appreciate the Chasidishe, especially Satmar, approach to this issue. They teach Torah shebksav inside, but not Torah shebal peh (like Rashi isn’t taught inside in Beis Rochel schools.) They strictly adhere to shulchan aruch, per the Rebbe’s psak halacha.


    “Mochoh: you fail to realize,you first post is incorrect the Rambam does not say that and the Shulchun Aruch as well.”

    Um, the shulchan aruch does say that. the def of tiflus acc to Rashi is dvar aveirah, althogh the Rambam seems to disagree.


    Is Mochoh a girl???


    Mochoh: “The Rambam further states better for the Torah to get burned than it be taught to women. So whats the heter?”

    The Rambam does not say this nor does the Shulchun Aruch ,that is all i am saying.


    ??? ??? ????? ???? ???? ??? ????? ?????

    i thought it was the rambam who brought this down. my sincerest apologies.

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