Hours of sleep per night

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    Assuming you follow the circadian rhythm method of sleep, how many hours a night?

    Maimonides, the great doctor that he was, lists in his halachic work, Mishna Torah, his recommendation that people should get eight hours of good sleep per night.


    Three hours. On a wooden platform. With no pillow.


    Rambam contradicts himself. He says 8 hours and wake up with sunrise, but he also says in halakhos deah, I think, that one should learn both day and night, a this is different type of learning. During summer, both are impossible. So, one advise is to maximize health, another – learning.

    As different people need different amount of sleep and at different periods of their life, you should experiment: go to sleep at same time daily and wake up without alarm clock. In 1-2 weeks, you’ll stabilize at the hours of sleep that you need.

    If you sleep less, you may be forgetting your learning. Basic experiments with mice show that: show a mice a new box, it will go explore it on the first day and ignore on the second as a known object. If you disturb sleep, it explores the box on the second day forgetting what it saw a day before.

    There is research comparing pairs of nearby US cities, one at the west end of one time zone, next – at the beginning of the other. One of them gets more sleep, almost an hour on average, also has 10+ on IQ and $10K on income. Whether sleep makes them smarter/richer, or whether smrt/rich people choose to sleep more, it is a good example to emulate. Hope I did not offend anyone on the western side.

    Also, try not to get up during deep sleep. Fitbit and similar can measure your deep sleep cycle, usually every 1.5 hours. Teenagers especially should sleep more in the morning. Explain it (respectfully!) to your parents and teachers and tell them you’ll learn better that way. And actually do that.

    Johnny Picklesauce

    Go to sleep, little peeps, don’t let the buggy monsters bight you, they’ll eat your nose and bite your toes and I don’t know how the rest of the song goes… -Sing this song to your kids at bedtime; they’ll be out cold before you could blink!


    Sleep and food is not what gives a person strength. A person’s strength all comes directly from Hashem. sure a person needs to do their Hishtadlus and eat and drink and sleep but in HONEST TRUTH lets all face the truth and be honest and admit that our strength comes directly from Our loving father Hashem ruler of the world.

    Its all in the person’s corrupted mind that tells him. Ahhhh i had my good Starbucks strong caffeined coffee now im good for the day and awake and alert. What would happen if you’re spouse woke you up tomorrow morning and asked you. How do you feel today? You slept longer then usually? You would say I feel much stronger. And then a minute later your spouse says no it was a mistake that was 2 days ago you got to sleep longer cause don’t you remember we had a late event last night and came home late? What would happen to you as soon as you heard that from your spouse? Your entire body and metabolism would weaken now that your corrupted mind told you that you slept the same amount of time as all nights. Showing you its all avoda Zara and all a persons strength comes directly from Hashem.

    Hanosein layoeif coach……

    Reb Eliezer

    Minimum six hours.


    Does anyone have a verified segulah for 6 hours (Ambien-free) continuous sleep, assuming one has followed all the usual pre-sleep protocols (i.e. limit caffein/alcohol, dark, cool BR, limit screen usage etc). I’m not a big segulah fan but might make an exception.


    Gadol, work (with your head) for 8 hours, then learn for 10 hours (or other way around) then you should sleep well for the remaining 6.


    AAQ: Azoy….I guess I was following the segulah backwards and in a slightly difference hourly allocation.


    The sounds of gunfire on the dangerous Baltimore streets keep me up at night

    Reb Eliezer

    I have sleep apnea, so using a mask connected to a machine which feeds air helps me sleep undisturbed. Without it, the body periodically, unconsciously wakes up and does not get the proper sleep thereby making it up at daytime by falling asleep.


    4 hours is enough for me…………..
    11-3 if I conference calls with clients in China
    1-5 if not

    ☕️coffee addict

    I usually get 5-7 hours


    My little sleep is taken in catnaps. As I’m learning I sometimes doze off. I usually wake a litter bit later and continue learning where I left off.

    My earlier comment was an approximation of my average total sleep time per day.

    Reb Eliezer

    There is a story which happened with the Chasan Sofer. Rav Shmuel zy’a, the grandson of the Chasam Sofer, was learning with a candle in his hand and he fell asleep dropping the candle. The gemora started to burn. The Chasam Sofer came in a dream to his mother, daughter of the Chasam Sofer, telling her to rush as he son is in danger. The gemora, half burned still exists by the Ehrenfeld family.

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