How are we related to Chillonim and Neturei Karta

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    I sometimes am one or the other. which are you?


    lol, the switch is great

    we are all Jews, all with both flaws and good qualities


    So I guess we should not disucss about the owner of the LA Clippers who is jewish. After all he has a yiddishe neshama too


    A Jew is a Jew, good, bad, or indifferent. Af al pi…


    The only thing we should discuss is torah. Kul hayom hi sichasi.


    As Shakespeare, admittedly not the greatest Jew lover of all time said “If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die?? referring to the Jews. we are all brothers, we shouldn’t be fighting amongst Ourselves. there is enough Jew hating going around without our help. I’m not saying I agree with everyone’s views, but that doesn’t make me stop viewing every Jew with love


    We are all related. The leading hilonim leaders are cousins of the leading hareidim.


    zahavasdad: he’s jewish? Oh great,


    I don’t laugh when I’m tickled.


    I hereby send my best wishes to both Naturei Karta & the Chilonim for a “Yom haAtzma’ut Sameach” both to those hold Yom ha’Atzma’ut should still be observed biZemano on Monday Iyyor 5th and those who follow the Rabbanut haRashi and observe Yom ha’Atzma’ut Nidche on Tuesday Iyyor 6th.


    Most of Klal Yisroel follow the “Rabanut haRashi”, who paskens not to give any credence to this day. Obviously. Rashi makes no mention of it, other then a few times in gemarah – ????? ??? ??? ????




    When one of your brothers goes off the derech he becomes a chilony and when your sister marries a Naturei Karta she becomes a Naturei Karta now that we know how you can be related

    Jews are jews no mater what we do we will always be jews hitler imachshemo vezichro made sure that we never forget it doesn’t matter what kind of jew you are you are still a jew he killed all jews equally

    Jews are related because we all are tzelem elokim so there you go

    Not trying to go off topic but figured this is a nice place to mention this

    Just because we don’t agree with the choices someone made it does not mean you can cut them off if you don’t like the choice they made speak to them voice your opinion but stop hating each other

    If you hate they will end up being your next generation your kids will become that of what you hate hashem does not want us to hate but wants us to mecarev or support a organization that does kiruv but not to hate

    We are falling apart because of all this hate and just because they hate you it does not mean you should hate them you should be careful not to get hurt but love them like you love yourself and pray they get to be chozer bitshuva and greet mashiach with all of us

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