Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee INTERNET LOCK

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  • #601068
    Mr. Harry

    Hi Everyone, A few months ago I asked people for suggestions about an internet lock, how shocked I was that there were no responses, while yeshiva world coffee room just got 300,000 comments, that means thousands of Yidden are on the internet and no one [or almost no one]

    Getting down to Tachlis – here is a simple solution, that I found, it costs only 20.00 dollars and you will save your family!

    go to – and click on Internet Pass Word Lock – and buy it!

    Its easy to work just type in a password.

    Its great, you can even lock up your emails, or just the internet and media.

    Spread the word please to all your friends and neighbors.

    ?? ???? ???? ???? ?? ?? ??? ?? ???

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I would hope that most people have a filter (maybe that’s why you got no responses, since you seem to be referring to a stand alone lock). I think all (or at least most) of the filters have an option to lock the internet requiring a password (mine, for instance, doesn’t allow any access without a password, and even with password, many sites are blocked).

    The password feature comes with the filter at no extra cost.


    Mr. Harry – This is your first comment in the Coffee Room. Where did you say a few months ago you asked about it? Was it under a different Screen Name?

    Mr. Harry

    Mr. Brisker It was taged as internet lock!


    DY What service is that? and can you block sites that you may want to restrict certain users from? like google search?


    Mr. Harry – What Screen name did you post under. This is your first post under Mr. Harry.


    Great product. I got it for my in-laws. When my kids get older I will iy”h be buying it. For now I just use content advisor because they don’t know about alternative browsers yet, and I have opendns filtering.


    Anything can be password protected. One doesn’t need to share passwords with one’s children.

    And of course, one can raise children with the common sense, whether online or in the “real world” to know what is assur and what is mutar.


    I thought promotions are against CR rules

    Mr. Harry


    And of course, one can raise children with the common sense, whether online or in the “real world” to know what is assur and what is mutar.

    Yes sir, so why don’t you give your child a loaded gun, and let him use his common sense?

    lets not lose track of this thread, spread the word, get the lock now!


    mr harry please stop mishing into everyone elses business people can decide for themselve if they need a filter and unless you live under a rock you know about it plus every compuer can be locked in many different ways internally no need to buy anything so stop trying to rip people off

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    “how shocked I was that there were no responses”

    I clicked on SaysMe’s link, and there were responses.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕


    I use one of the Jewish companies, whose name I probably can’t use here, since they also operate a competing news website (although YWN is much better!).

    K-9 is supposed to be excellent, free, and fully customizable, but it doesn’t work in conjunction with my proxy filter.


    A+ hedgebuilders. Awesome

    Mr. Harry

    To Daas yochid

    I meant there were no practical solutions, yes there were some bord people letting out some hot air, but no one with a good solution, and that is shocking, do we have no regard for our families?

    Mr. Harry

    TO des111

    I”m not mishing into anybody’s business, I’m only here to help the people that want help!

    P.S. Maybe Hatzolah should also stop mishing into peoples business and just let them die?!

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    To Mr. Harry (Mr. Lakewood),

    There were three practical ideas, and no hot air.

    Do you have a financial interest in Leithauser?

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