Keep in Mind… (Important)

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    Lately I’ve been noticing on the bottom of email forwards there is a “signature” (usually from the original sender). These signatures usually have the name and sometimes an email address or cell phone number. These things are passed around to many people and its probably not a good idea for there to be any contact info so easily available, (maybe more so for a girl).

    On the same topic, someone once mentioned that often people will forward to a list of contacts and all it takes is for one person to see the email was sent to Sarah Shwartz and her email address so when forwarding it might be a good idea to delete the old stuff. (Thank you “mepal” -former CR poster- for that.)



    What’s the big deal if someone sees my contact information?

    Most people are listed in the phone book anyways.



    Even if you delete text from a forwarded email, there will still be traceable data in the header portion of the message in all likelihood.

    If you really want to eliminate the possibility of the email being backtraced, cut the text you want to forward and paste it into a brand new email.

    If “mepal” is your friend, please let her know that we old timers hope she’s doing OK – hope she wasn’t driven off by something we said or did.


    What’s the big deal if someone sees my contact information?

    That’s a self-answering question – for someone who asks it, it’s probably not a big deal.

    Others may prefer to keep their name and email address to themselves, for privacy, to avoid being added to “reply all” joke lists, and so on.



    Header information (other than subject, name, and e-mail address) are typically not included in a forwarded (or replied to) message.



    Thank you for the info and correction.

    I thought the entire history of an email was retained in the header.

    I’ll have to do a little research…



    A trail of whose hands an email has passed thru can be left in the header – it depends on which email provider the message is being sent thru.

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