Lakewood Advice

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    so ive been living here 3 weeks…and i need advice, where to get manicures which gym to join, where to find a cleaning lady and a job would be nice too…


    If you don’t mind my asking, what does your husband do? I assume that since you are able to budget for a gym and a cleaning lady that your husband has a good job.


    Gym: The Gym, in shoprite plaza. Best place.


    Why do you need a cleaning lady if you don’t have a job?


    I always understood living in Lakewood meant giving up the finer things to be involved in an Ir Hatorah.

    YW Moderator-42

    Bowwow, I assume her husband is a football player who makes millions of dollars and learns in BMG during the offseason

    YW Moderator-42

    Which begs the question, why does she need a job? She should be spending her time in the CR!


    Why would one live in lakewood if they aren’t learning?


    Jobs in Lakewood are hard to come by. The place is jam packed with kollel wives who need income. Some of my relatives used to drive an hour and a half each way to teach. BTW you need to kill your internet if you want to get your kids in the frummer yeshivas.



    Cheaper housing? Want to live in a Torahdig environment?


    I Think the op bashing has gone on long enough, she may have a different lifestyle or pay scale than you or me but its her life to live how she wants she only asked for some information there was no need to impose our own limitations on her.


    my husband has a business here so i quit mine and moved here…i want a job because i spent 4 years in college and even shopping gets boring after 3 weeks…


    WIY – There are many torahdika places on the map besides for lakewood. Cheaper housing? There are also cheaper places than lakewood.


    Call PCS if you need a job they’re very good at setting people up.


    If the point of a job is to find something to do, get a few books from the library and start an online business. It gives you something to do and you still get to be home.



    I know more than 1 Kollel wife from Lakewood who commutes to Brooklyn everyday


    It amazes me what a warped view most of you seem to have of Lakewood.


    Anybody want to comment on whether or not we should be sending our Beis Yaakov meidlach to college?

    A Heimishe Mom

    cshapiro: competition is very tight for jobs. Either be willing to work well below pay grade, or travel quite a bit. You WILL have to get rid of the internet when it comes to school applications – unless of course it is in a home office and used strictly for business purposes. The online business idea definitely helps circumvent that! (These days, any home-based business really does.)

    A cleaning lady you find by word of mouth – ask your neighbors. Also the Lakewood Jewish yellow pages probably lists/advertises agencies.

    Can’t answer the gym/manicure questions


    Mazel Tov in your move to Lakewood. You could not have picked a finer place outside of Yerushalayim. Lakewood is beautifully awesome place to live!!

    I am sure all your concerns will fall into place. All the ladies in Lakewood will be very happy to help answer your questions and give recommendations.



    Lakewood used to be a modern community. Rav Shneur Kotler ZT”L went to a day school. Lakewood has now grown to the point where it’s reverting to a mixed community.


    Booro Park used to be mixed but now b”h it’s just us heimeshe yidden. Iz do ein Rebbe!


    Hi Jothar,

    Lakewood is born of the yeshiva community and was not a modern community, if you meant MO by that. Even the Old Shul on Monmouth, probably over 100 years old now, was totally yeshivish in origin and orientation, even though Jews of all stripes could always be found in Lakewood.

    At the same time, however, Lakewood always included people on all levels who get/got along well.

    With regards to the possible implications of your statement that Rav Kotler ZT”L, went to a “day school” as a choice for a modern day school as one may find today, the legendary Bezalel Hebrew Day School, was practically the only game in town. Those who went there did not go there “for a modern experience versus a more right/black hat experience”. That notion would be incorrect. The school had as deep a limud kodesh as you would have found anywhere in the world.

    Today, Lakewood is a fantastic mix of all kinds of yidden. But the implication of it being “less Jewish” could not be further from the truth. The standards put forth there could not be higher. Thank heaven for Lakewood. There is no place like it, especially on Shabbos.


    I am not here to judge you or give any kind of reprimand. Just answering your questions. as far as Manicure go… there is a nice clean place called Be Be nails. address and phone number are: 21 S Hope Chapel Rd Ste 110 (732) 886-8266

    as far as a gym goes…i dont currently attend one but i hear there are lot of good choices in lakewood. as long as youre moving and buring calories…the task is being done! Even finding a neighbor/friend to brisk walk outside works!

    GOOD cleaning lady’s are hard to find – i would offer mine but she is booked solid! good luck with that.

    As far as a job – you can call PCS – which is a free service here in lakewood that can hook you up with a job according to your credentials. Hatzlacha!


    Anyone want to advertise their buisness thats in Lakewood, –>Here is the place<–.


    Lakewood IS a mixed community

    It is Yeshivish with some Chassidim there


    Hi zahavasdad.

    What do you mean by mixed? Which communities are not mixed, and is that an advantage? I am interested in knowing.

    There are numerous homogenous groups living, davening, learning side by side and together in Lakewood, which other communities lack.

    While I dont know all the goings on of each part of Lakewood, there are shuls/communities that are Litvish, Chassidic, a combo of Litvish and Chassidic, so-called Modern Orthodox (where one should not be surprised to find more black hats than anything) – although I dont want to detract from those who work and start their day with Daf Yomi at 5am, a host of Ashkenaz, Sphard… as well as a Yemeni shul, the BMG……etc..etc…etc. They are separate communities, yet together. It is awesome!!


    Btguy, ask real Lakewood old timers what Lakewood used to be like, and yes there was a strong modern element there. Reb Aharon ZT”L picked it because it was out of the way. Bezalel may have been the only game in town, but it was not the type of place most Lakewooders would send their kids to today. I wonder if Rav Shneur ZT”L would get into most Lakewood schools today, being that he went to Bezalel. But that’s for another thread. But you are essentially agreeing to me that Lakewood was never a sole “ir HaTorah”. Meaning that the teeth-gnashing of the kollel yungeleit there over the newer baalei batim and the new restaurants is misplaced.


    Hi Jothar.

    My grandparents lived in Lakewood from way back in the day and I often spent time there. But how many “real” Lakewood old timers have you spoken to? And they all hold the same? Are they different from the ones I am in contact with everyday? Are you in Lakewood yourself?

    Bezalel WAS the only game in town as you admit. As far as who would send their kids their today is a moot point since it is closed down. But your original point, I believe, was talking about Lakewoods’ origins. Throwing “today” into the mix was not in the context of what you were stating. You are making this an apples and oranges kind of thing.

    As far as your conclusion, I have to respectfully disagree. The mere presence of other types of Jews, if we have to go there, does not mitigate the presence or quality of an “ir HaTorah in Lakewood at all times. In fact, it’s a good thing, in my opinion.


    BBtguy, your grandparents lived in Lakewood and you’re a bt guy? I would love to hear your story one of these days.

    I’m not really sure what you are or aren’t saying. Lakewood used to be a resort town, picked because it WASN’T a bustling Jewish community. Rav Shenur Kotler ZT”L used to attend the wedding of anyone who lived in Lakewood, whether or not they were part of yeshiva, as the community there was small.

    I thik we are using “ir hatorah” differently. You are using it in the lower-case sense, and I agree. I was using it in the upper-case “Ir HaTorah” that the locals nostalgically describe before decrying the baalei battim moving to Lakewood who aren’t “undzere”.

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