#neutiquam erro

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    #debemus conversari in communi nostra lingua? scitis quia de tuo aliquid, nec de rutrum lorem uteris?


    I adulari ad decieve. Putas tibi loquentes lingua?

    Ut ipse tu cernis, non possum. Responsum est, sicut me, si non, unde scietis his.

    Et quod magis. Aequum est dare moderatores quaeritur?

    Gratias, nocte ac bonum.


    That’s enough lorem ipsum.

    Just sayin’.

    (No offense intended. I quite enjoy having you here, NeutiquamErro.

    Congratulations on your >achievement<.)


    To be honest, when I first posted in this thread,

    only the original post had already been approved.

    Sometimes things like that happen. 🙂


    I am impressed the moderators had the linguistic skills to approve the posting. It’s been many years since the secular departments of American yeshivot taught Latin (which they did, back when it was a required subject for college admission).


    Sorry, what ‘achievement’?


    The word in the triangular brackets is a link – follow it.


    NeutiquamErro, would you please tell me what your name means?


    It means “I am not lost.”


    Never knew it was a link. Yep, I had already noticed that one, thanks. I’ve still got a few more achievements to achieve, but it’s good to get a big one like that out of the way, thanks #poster.

    And #poster, you gonna answer me anytime?


    I think you have violated every single condition for your return.


    That’s actually a very nice thought within the name. 🙂


    Thank you


    #LOL ! Vestri ‘ non ut mala ! 🙂 Et de me nescio , sed suus ‘ ius … …. magnus es tu videns intelligent idividuals sicut hic circa … ibi sunt tempora, quod vos mos adepto a cerebro shortages sunt videre

    #I totally forgot to include my hashtag in the thread title, and my frist post… 🙁

    Mods, can you fix it for me? my reputation… 🙂

    And, I was so nice to request it in English:)


    #Mods!!!!! you are the best!


    ie quantum eror


    Tibi gratias ago pro delenimentum. Et iterum dico: I adulari ad decieve.

    Quod iam dixi, non possum dicere, tantum intelligere paulo. Volo te scire quod, possis?

    Ego conatus ut verba simplicia.


    I think you have violated every single condition for your return.

    I don’t think I can honestly disagree, and I thank you for

    your continued tolerance of my presence. Gut Shabbos! 🙂

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