Nusach Ashkenaz & Sefard Problem

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    I daven mincha every day in yeshiva where they daven nusach ashkenaz, but daven ma’ariv every night in my local shul, where the nusach is nusach s’fard. Thus, I miss li’dovid everyday, and can only say it (at least with a minyan) by Shachris. Are there any solutions to this, and does anyone share a similar problem to mine, as well as possibly the opposite extreme, davening nusach s’fard for mincha and nusach ashkenaz for ma’ariv??? Thanks


    Just say it (by whichever one is your actual Minhag( but don’t say it out loud. Lots of people end up doing that.


    As Sam2 says, just say it silently by mincha. That’s what I do as well. I’m in a similar situation, davening a nusach that is in between Ashkenaz and Sfard but closer to Sfard on these things, while virtually all minyanim here are Ashkenaz.

    In any case, the idea of “davening nusach s’fard for mincha and nusach ashkenaz for ma’ariv” is absolutely not possible. One must daven either one nusach or the other. That said, if you are shatz you use the nusach of the shul – even if it’s not your nusach, but for your own private shmoneh esrei you use your own nusach. That’s how I’ve always done it.


    not sure what the problem is here. do you forget to say it, or you’re worried about not saying it with a minyan?

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Is saying a kapitel Tehilim aloud after davening a problem of Lo Sisgodedu?

    Sam’s eitzah is correct, and I don’t think there’s an inyan to say L’dovid with a minyan.


    I had that issue in reverse – I daven personally daven sefard but with ashkenaz for mincha and with sefard for maariv.

    I say it at mincha and at maariv. The very worst thing I am doing is saying an extra kapital tehillim, and that cant be a terrible aveira. If it is, tell me and I will klap an extra al chet on yom kippur!

    The Rashbak

    Say it quietly while the Sephardim are saying whatever tehillim they say at the end of davening before Aleinu. I also daven with a sephardi minyan, and we sometimes have to make these little edits.


    @The Rashbak – I think he’s talking about the Ashkenazi, chassidishe nusach Sfard.

    Always fun having to explain to fresh BTs/gerim that nusach Sfard has nothing to do with Sfaradim.


    TCG: That’s actually a Machlokes. R’ Moshe holds that for your silent Shmoneh Esrei you have to do like the Tzibbur if you’re the SHAT”Z (because your silent SH”E is only to prepare for Chazaras HaSHAT”Z) but most other Poskim seem to disagree.

    yaakov doe

    Why is saying it after Aleynu as is your minhag a problem?


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