Pigeon Toes

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    my one year old toes in and has pigeon toes. my orthepedic claims he will grow out of it. does anyone have any suggestions?


    From the University of Iowa Hospitals:

    Pigeon toes, or in-toeing, is a condition causing the toes to point inwards. It is common in infants and young children. If a child is pigeon toed it does not mean there is something wrong with the feet.

    Most children outgrow pigeon-toes and do not need treatment. In some cases it may take several years before the pigeon-toed foot is straight.

    My suggestion: Don’t worry about it.

    Y.W. Editor

    As long as he doesn’t grow wings, you’ve got nothing to worry about! 🙂

    In all seriousness, I know someone who had a child with this. Fast forward 14 years, and he is fine.


    Actually as a child I also toed in but I wore the straight-lace shoes. Now I have a perfect walk. In other words, today it fixes itself? There will be no more adults with crooked feet?

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