Shelo Asani Isha

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    Reb Eliezer

    Maybe, it starts from the mitzvos. Since the woman has less mitzvos as the Kol Bo, he becomes more holy from her and not vice versa that because he is holier he has more mitzvos.


    There’s a big difference between קדוש and מקודש, the latter being the expression that the bartenura and rambam use. Kadosh means something is holy. Mekudash means it is holi-fied, sanctified; consecrated – not intrinsically holier, but set aside from something else for a specific purpose. When the malachim praise Hashem, they don’t call him mekudash, they say kadosh. When you marry a woman, you call her mekudeshes, that she is now separate and specified for you and not other men l.

    It might sound like it’s splitting hairs, but i think it’s emes.

    I’ll try to fetch the sources for the oft-quoted sentiment that women are closer to Hashem’s idea of perfection and don’t need certain mitzvos – this isn’t one of my pet projects that i can rattle off sources for; though anti feminism sources….those I know a lot of.

    Reb Eliezer

    Avira, I agree the extra mitzvos make him mekudash, sanctified over her. He is not born as kadosh. The GRA says that the father through his circumcision sacrifices his son as a korban after the eight day but she does not need it.


    And a Kohein is intrinsically holier than a Yisroel? Or a Talmid Chochom than a layman?

    I think the same principles apply. They all become holier through their avoda.


    UJM, you admire a Cohen?


    A kohen’s kadima in this regard applies even if he’s an am haaretz; in other matters we say that a mamzer talmid chochom is kodem – or does it apply to pikuach nefesh too?

    Reb Eliezer

    The Kohen would not come first in that case but only to avoid machlokes he always is called up first, so by pikuach nefesh the talmid chacham would certainly come first.


    I think Talmid Chacham has a priority in pidyon also

    inquisitive girl

    Personally, i think this question became popular after tv shows like “my unorthodox life”. I think it comes from trying to find faults and Un justifications things in the most justified religion.

    Not that im trying to attack you Yehudis21, this question never bothered me. There are many good answers written in this forum.


    “Personally, i think this question became popular after tv shows like “my unorthodox life”

    I don’t think the visuals or storyline from My Unorthodox Life have had any significant impact within the frum tzibur, assuming many even subscribe to Netflix (which I doubt). It is more comedy than reality since it is doubtful R’ Hendler reflect the norm for frum yidden in Monsey whose ex-wives engage in the kind of pritzusdike stuff supposedly portrayed and still are willing to maintain a close relationship and engage in mutual visitations etc. for the sake of the youngest yeshiva bochur (who seems to be the only real grown up in the whole sad mishpacha).

    Chad Amar

    I’ll only be willing to reconsider saying shelo asani isha once I find a critical number of married frum women who want their husbands to wish they had been born women.



    It is not against the other, it is against the EXEMPTION of many mitzvot , as a man.


    The singers who composed tunes for a song to shelo asani goy should do the same for shelo asani isha.

    ☕️coffee addict

    You said that two years ago


    I heard that Mordechai Ben David comes here once in awhile. Hopefully this will get his attention.


    UJM, are you still so proud of what you accomplished before being born: being a male? I would have hoped you accomplished something else since then that you can take pride in.

    Actually, the only pride that is totally Muttar, is being Jewish. So, why would you swap that for your personal obsession?


    HaLeiVi: Hopefully you’re not making a brocha of shelo asani isha every day of your life. Otherwise there’s good reason to believe you’re proud of being born male.

    Is it okay, in your humble opinion, for a Kohein to be proud he was born a Kohein? (Is it okay to be proud that you were born with your Zaida being Rav Chaim Brisker?) Can a freeman be proud he wasn’t born an eved?



    Are you anti R’ Yom Tov Ehrlich?


    pekak: Of course not. R’ Yom Tov Ehrlich would likely have made the beautiful lyrics something like this:

    שלא עשני אשה
    שלא עשני אשה
    אט די ברכה טוט מען מאכן אלע טאג אזוי

    שלא עשני אשה
    שלא עשני אשה
    יעדן טאג דארף מען זיך פרייען זייער פיל אזוי

    טאטע געטרייער
    דו ביסט דאך ביי אונז טייער
    שווער צו געפונען
    ווי אזוי דיר אפצודינען

    נישט דא קיין געדאנקען
    כדי דיר צו דאנקען

    אכט טאג ביים ברית ווי שיין און פּרעכטיג
    א קליינע זיסע איד
    די ערשטע מצוה עס מאכט אים לעכטיג
    ,ווייל יעצט איז ער א איד
    ביי דריי יאר די פּאות די האניג אפּלעקן
    און אויסזען ווי א איד
    לויפן אין חדר אויך אָן א שטעקן
    .כ’האב ליב צו זיין א איד

    שלא, שלא, עשני אשה
    זאגט א יעדער מענטש אזוי
    שלא, שלא, עשני אשה
    זינגט א יעדער מענטש אזוי
    אפילו ווען ס’איז שווער
    די תורה דאך מ’היט
    אלץ אזוי זאגט ער
    “!איך בין שטאלץ צו זיין א מענטש”


    On a related topic, all girls learn that “bays yaakov” refers to when Hashem addresses women … at the same time, Gemora in BM ~ 33 thinks BY refers to amei haaretz …

    Reb Eliezer

    Rashi explains that women are told belashen raka, light and men strong, like gidim. Women were commanded first lin order to have them convince the men not like Chava being told second.


    Aaq, rashi says pashut pshat in the pasuk refers to noshim. They’re not taught wrong.

    Chad Amar

    I’m still waiting to meet a woman who wants a husband who wishes he was a woman. Hence the bracha (imho).

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