Sofer Checking Tefilin or Mezuzos

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    You are supposed to have your tefilin and mezuzos checked “twice every 7 years”. Sofrim like to interpert this requirement as meaning once every 3 and a half years. But it seems to me that if you check them even once every 6 years, you will fulfil the requirement to have them checked twice every 7 years, as no 7 year period will pass without them having been checked twice. Am I correct?


    Is this such a difficult issue?

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    No and no.


    I never heard about twice. I know only about once in 7 years.


    Why not?

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Why not?

    I’ll assume that your not asking Aries why she never heard of twice in seven years, so I’ll answer.

    You’re assuming that you get to pick which seven years to look at, but it has to be true about any seven year stretch. Say for example, that you had them checked in year 0 (when you bought them), year 6, and year 12. You would say that from 0-6 they were checked twice, and from 6-12 checked twice. However, from 3-9, for example, they were only checked once.


    Daas: IOW, you’re maintaining 3.5 years is the maximum allowed before you are required to check again?


    New kosher tefillin have a chezkas kashrus and need not be checked again.

    If they have been in regular use, if they have not been exposed to high amounts of moisture, if they have not been exposed to extremes in temperature, if they are properly stored, if they were checked by a competent authority after they were written, and numerous other caveats.


    SZ: what then is the twice every 7 rule about?

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Daas: IOW, you’re maintaining 3.5 years is the maximum allowed before you are required to check again?

    I’m not sure, it might still be true that if you check after 4, you would then check after another three. That would satisfy the math, but I need to check the sources; twice in seven years might be a way of saying every 3.5.


    SZ is correct. 2x in 7 years applies only to mezuzos.


    Daas: if you check after 4 years, you can or will end up with a 7 year period of only one checking.


    SZ is correct. 2x in 7 years applies only to mezuzos.

    “twice every seven years is the rule for mezuzot (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 39:10). However the Mishna Brura (39:26) quoting the Magen Avraham, states that it is advisable that tefillin also be checked twice every seven years.”

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Daas: if you check after 4 years, you can or will end up with a 7 year period of only one checking.

    How so? I added the stipulation that it also be checked after another three years.

    Of course, if you take my scenario to its extreme, I could check my mezuzos twice in one day and then, seven years later, twice again, ‘??? . So it’s possible that it needs literally 3.5; I’m talking off of the top of my head so I’ll ??”? research and let you know what I find.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    R’ Chaim Kanievsky, in his sefer on Maseches Mezuzah, wants to say that 3.5 is “lav davka” but brings two proofs otherwise and seems to conclude that it is specifically 3.5 years.

    The source is Yoma 11a.

    As far as tefillin, if worn regularly, it is recommended but not required (practically, sofrim may recommend against it, as shlomozalman said). If worn inconsistently, it is a requirement. If they fell into water, it seems that they need to be checked immediately.


    Thank you Daas.

    Another question is what are the consequences if someone c”v drops Tefilin? Fasting or tzedaka? And what constitues dropping? If it fell from your hand unto the table? Is it considered a fall if the Tefilin are in a teflin or talis bag?


    A Sofer once told me that if my Tefillin are kosher after being checked, then I don’t need to bother checking it again, even twice in 7 years

    These difference of opinions confuse me


    The letter of the law

    Mezuzos are exposed so they need to be checked. Tefilin are usually not (unless one perspires heavily)

    But I have heard too many stories of Sta”m being found ??? (nothing to do with the elements) after many years & Bedikos.


    We check approximately every 3.5 years. Its not cheap, but its worthwhile.

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