Spooky stories about shaidim

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    lamud vov tzadik

    There was once someone in a car in Russia back in the old days and there were a few people in the car. Suddenly as they were driving as if from nowhere a totally black figure started running along with the car. The people in the car began to get frightened and started pressing on the gas as fast as he could. It didn’t help and the shaidy figure started running even faster it looked like it would never go away. One of the people in the car was a holy rebbe who suggested they start saying a chapter of tehlillim. It worked and the figure went away. By the way this story is 100 percent true, I heard it from the person who heard it from the one who it happened to.


    Someone is bored

    Patur Aval Assur

    “there were a few people in the car”

    ????? ?? ???? ???? ????? ????? ???? ????? ???? ????? ???? ???? ?? ???? (Berachos 43b)


    I read in an old Reader’s Digest about someone who saw a car moving slowly in the rain while he was hitchhiking. It looked like it slowed down for him so he got in. Once inside, he realized to his horror that there was actually no one inside. The car was moving on its own. This became more frightening when he noticed that he was approaching a turn. Suddenly, right before the turn a hand appeared and turned the wheel. This happened a few times.

    As soon as he got into town he got out of that spooky, haunted car and ran far away. The next day, while sitting in a bar, two guys walk in. One tells the other, “Hey look. Here’s that fool who got into the car we were trying to push last night.”


    I heard from my friend (at four years old) that on Pesach an invisible force had drained a glass of wine.

    lamud vov tzadik

    There is a book out about Shlomo Hamelech I don’t remember exactly what it’s called but it’s got in it lots of his dealings with sheidim.


    There was a story about a car crash in Israel where the chiloni driver was declared medically dead when they pulled him out of the wreckage. Suddenly, and old man with a long white beard appeared in a tallis, and began MTM resuscitation on the “dead man”, who spluttered back into life.

    When they turned to thank him, he had disappeared.

    Everybody thought it was Eliyahu Hanavi.

    In reality, it was the Hatzolah guy from down the road, on the way to Shul for Shabbos morning Shacharis.

    I love this story.

    lamud vov tzadik

    Midwesterner: I saw a book in English I think it was called something Shlomo Hamelech, you can defintely look at the Talmud aswell I guess.


    LVT: Would that book be called perhaps Talmud Bavli? Maseches Gittin 68 et al?

    Little Froggie

    “There was once someone in a car in Russia back in the old days”…

    There were no cars in Russia back in the old days. They were upgrading to Horse & Buggy Ver. 3.00


    There were cars, but they needed to be pulled.

    lamud vov tzadik

    By the way the story happened when there were proper cars out on the road.

    vayoel moshe

    I heard they have them in Hrodna belaras outskirts


    Interestingly, shaidim have been watching what’s going on on earth lately and have been sharing spooky stories on humans.

    lamud vov tzadik

    I’m also a “shaid” under the bigtop in my spare time.

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