Question about a Chazan leaving during tefillah

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  • This topic has 7 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by Toi.
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  • #593757
    ah gitte

    I wondered if anyone has an exact halachah of what happens if for example you go to a shul and the chazzan finishes kaddish by minchah right before shemonah esray and the tzibbur starts shemonah esray but the chazzan walks away to get something does that ruin the tzibbur tefillah?


    You should stone him with your esrogim.

    Please take a break for a few weeks. Your comments are really pushing the limit.


    I, for one, will miss popa. He definitely sprinkled the coffee room with a great humor.

    Mod, perhaps he is refering to something. Do you really find it necessary to block someone based on how something hit you? If you take a look, you’d see that most of his satire were a way to bring out a point. Often, he went on to explain in. If only you were as quick to fix up wrong blockings as you seem to be to block…


    Popa Bar:

    That is the rudest thing I have ever seen on the coffee room. I can certainly understand why you were blocked and publicly told off instead of just being sent an email.

    The mishna in sukka is talking about a tzeduki, not just a chazzan who is mevazeh the tefilla.

    I always thought you were the rotten egg of the coffee room.


    Thanks, Mod (or Mods). Had I known you were listening…





    I would love to know what you posted that got deleted. haha


    honestly, whenever that came up in mizbe’ach shenifgam, i just bursted out laughing. i dont know why but i find the menatl image of esrogim clouding the sky and crashing down on the poor guy hysterical.

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