Torah V'Daas 49 years ago

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    Written by R’ Dovid Landesman zt”l 7 years ago:

    [the overhead recessed lighting made learning difficult and the administration had to install fluorescents much to the dismay of the architect], ventilation [the beis midrash had no windows that opened and the yeshiva could not afford to run the central air] and emigration [quite a few of the senior bachurim left the yeshiva and transferred to Lakewood]


    What would have been the reaction of the saintly Chazon Ish? What was the reaction of the saintly Satmar Rebbe? What about Rav Schach?


    It would be neglectful to not point out that we had access to the Kosel for over a thousand years until 1948, when there Zionists went to war causing our loss of access to the Kosel for almost 20 years.

    In ’67 they regained access to what they lost for us.


    <i>Shortly before the war broke out, the yeshiva administration brought a television set into the building, placing it atop the staircase that led from the entrance to the beis midrash.</i>

    I asked two talmidim who were learning Torah Vodaas at that time. Neither remembered the Yeshiva administration bringing a television into the building and placing it above the staircase leading into the BM.(One suggested that perhaps a worker in the offices near the steps to the BM had one but he didn’t remember that either)


    Thank you so much for this posting. I was in 3rd year beis medrash at the time, I remember also how all the roshei yeshiva were s completely distraught and then the simcha when we heard the tremendous nissim that had taken place.


    smerel, I can’t speak for others. I only know what R’ Landesman zt”l wrote. R’ Reisman shlita also said this story over in one of his shiurim.

    mik5: I don’t know what their reaction was. The point is that despite claims that NO Rabbonim celebrated the event, there is clear proof that some did.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    DaMoshe, a couple of questions.

    Did you ever track down the transcript for Rav Reisman’s shiur?

    Yom Yerushalayim

    Did R’ Yaakov or R’ Gedaliah do anything in subsequent years to celebrate? If so, what?


    Joseph: It would be neglectful to not point out that under Muslim rule, we had limited rights to the Kosel. The beautiful plaza that we currently have was forbidden under the Ottoman and British rule. As with the current access to mokom kedoshin under the PA rule, we would be murdered if we try to vist the Kosel under the PA rule.


    If you see old videos of the Kotel Plaza, there was another Quarter called the Morroccan Quarter which severly limited access to the kotel. This quarter was knocked down to make the present plaza.

    Most times today the Kotel plaza is packed, there is no way they could have handled the crowds with that quarter still present


    The access to the limited areas of the Kosel for 1,000+ years was far better than no access for the nearly 20 years following the Zionist independence war.


    DY: I did not, but my Rav did tell me when the shiur was given. Unfortunately I don’t remember. I can ask him again and let you know.


    “President Johnson as well as the French and English were not prepared to intervene in any meaningful way”

    It was in fact De Gaulle who precipitated the Six Day War through his withdrawal of support for Israel. Had he lost the 1965 Presidential election to the pro-Israel Socialist Mitterand, Israel would still have had France as an ally.

    Johnson couldn’t do anything concrete because of Vietnam. (The UK was also in a similar situation in Yemen.) But he tipped off Israel to the fact that Egypt was planning an attack. Israel pre-empted and the rest is history. Thank you, President Johnson. (Johnson also had helped save some Jews from the Shoah and had condemned the awful treatment of Israel after the Suez War by the Eisenhower-Dulles Administration.)


    It doesnt matter what happend 49 years ago , what ever really happend the other side is not likely to believe it or claim it was miscontrued



    What other side? The Arabs? The Vietnamese?

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