Trump Good for Jews? Consider these worrying trends

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    We need to think rationally and seriously. We need to consider some very unsettling trends without an emotional attachment to a candidate and political movement.

    1) Trump has expressed his displeasure at Jews and considers them ungrateful and has begun to publicly blame them for his poor polling.
    2) Trump has dispatched his Arab son-in-law Boulos and his Lebanese father to Michigan to win over the anti-Israel vote. This week the mayor of a Muslim majority city in Michigan and leader of the uncommitted movement Amer Ghalib publicly backed Trump. Which begs the question what is the Trump campaign promising them?
    3) Trump has taken a position that is generally seen as positive for Putin with regard to Ukraine. Putin had developed an unholy alliance with Iran. Iran had provided Putin with weapons and Putin had aided Iran.
    4) Trump is on record calling Hizbullah very smart and has remained silent on Israel’s current campaign in Lebanon. His public support for these military actions is virtually non-existent
    5) Post his election loss in 2020. Trump blasted Bibi and said Abbas is a father like figure who wants peace more than Bibi.

    These developments should be concerning to all who care for America and Israel.


    6) Jared and Ivanka are also no longer affiliated with the campaign. They are no longer actively campaigning. Jared was responsible for the Abraham Accords and many pardons and clemencies.
    7) Trump and Vance have espoused an isolationist America First policy that shuns spending American money on foreign wars or sending American troops into harm’s way. Today, the US has positioned aircraft carriers in the Middle East and has deployed troops to Cyprus and other forward launching areas in case they are needed in Israel’s defense. Can a Trump / Vance administration be counted on to spend US taxpayer dollars and deploy military assets in defense of Israel? If, at 80 years old, Trump is unable to fill out his term, would an isolatinist Vance, who espouses foreign policy ideas aligned with those of Tucker Carlson, have Israel’s back?



    1. There are way more objective actions and statements by Trump that are favorable for Jews. To nitpick a few bits and pieces is not helpful.

    2. Calling an enemy smart is not the same as siding with them, as the left openly does.

    3. Trump is not friendly towards Putin, but he is the one making decisions about the biggest war currently being fought. Being willing to negotiate with Putin is not the same as being friends with him. Trump’s position is that Putin would not dare to cross him and start a war, he acknowledged multiple times that Putin is no good man. In fact, Putin doesn’t even want Trump.


    They are both “good” or “bad” for the Jews, but in different ways.

    Harris’s close alliance and past association with the Progressive (WOKE) wing of her party is very threatening since they are active anti-Semites.

    Trump’s willingness to accept support from far night the anti-Semitic activists is probably less threatening, since the right-wing anti-Semites have minimal support whereas the left-wing anti-Semites are a large movement and probably control the Democratic Party.

    MAGA’s isolationism is threatening to Israel (and the world) but is not based on anti-Semitism, whereas the Progressive position is that Israel (and Jews who support Israel, and all non-assimilated Jews are presumed to be zionists) is evil and should be destroyed (and they act on this belief by attacking Jews in America and around the world).


    8) Trump has been outspoken about antisemitism on the left but has never confronted antisemitism when it came from his supporters. If Trump is truly committed to fighting antisemitism why hasn’t he ever said anything about antisemitism on the right? Why no condemnation of MTG, Mark Robinson or Royce White? Why nothing about Tucker? Why no apology for inviting Kanye and Fuentes to Mar a lago?

    Baruch D

    Very well articulated.


    You forget to mention that Donald Trump has a Jewish daughter
    (who he loves very much) and JEWISH GRANDCHILDEN.
    That is a big omission, in my opinion.

    You also forget to mention that that Kamala Harris is a SOCIALIST,
    and/or a member of the “Progressive” political far-Left.

    The Socialists and/or the “Progressive” political far-Left
    both want to WIPE ISRAEL OFF THE MAP.

    Notice that the Socialists and “Progressives” do not merely
    want Israel to get news laws or a new Prime Minister;
    they want 100% of Israel to be 100% eliminated, PERMANENTLY,
    and replaced and an Arab-Muslim-Terrorist dictatorship,
    where Islam is the ONLY truly tolerated religion,
    and Jews either do not exist at all,
    or exist as a relentlessly persecuted minority, with no rights.

    Obviously, the Socialists and “Progressives” do not care,
    if they inflict another Holocaust on the Jews of Israel.

    That is what Kamala Harris and her political friends believe in.

    Regardless of what Donald Trump’s flaws are,
    at least he does not want to cause another Holocaust,
    nor does he want to replace Israel with
    a brutal Arab-Muslim-Terrorist dictatorship.


    Well said !


    James Bickerton wrote this in Newsweek Magazine:

    Famed attorney Alan Dershowitz has announced his departure
    from the Democratic Party following what he called the
    “most anti-Jewish, anti-Israel, anti-Zionist convention”
    he has experienced.

    The lawyer and Harvard Law professor emeritus made the announcement
    during an appearance on the Talkline With Zev Brenner podcast
    shortly after the Democratic National Convention,
    which took place in Chicago from August 19 to August 22.
    During his interview with radio host Zev Brenner, Dershowitz said:
    “I am no longer a Democrat. I am an independent.” He added,
    “A lot of things pushed me in that direction,” citing Vice President
    Kamala Harris’ decision not to preside over Netanyahu’s address
    to a joint session of Congress in July
    and rhetoric at the Democratic National Convention.

    “I was disgusted at the Democratic National Convention.
    Absolutely disgusted,” he said.

    Dershowitz continued: “They had more anti-Jewish,
    anti-Zionist people who were speaking, starting with
    [Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez]—a miserable anti-Zionist bigot.

    “Then, of course, they had [Senator Elizabeth] Warren,
    who is one of the most anti-Jewish people in the Senate.
    Then they had Bernie Sanders,
    one of the most anti-Jewish people in the Senate.”
    The lawyer [Alan Dershowitz] also said that had Pennsylvania Governor
    Josh Shapiro not been Jewish, he likely would have been chosen
    as [Kamala] Harris’ running mate.
    “I understand that if his name were John Sheppard,
    not Josh Shapiro, he would have been the democratic nominee,” he said.

    SOURCE: article titled: “Alan Dershowitz Quits Democratic Party,
    Slams ‘Anti-Zionist’ DNC

    by James Bickerton, for Newsweek Magazine, 2024 September 7


    from matzav (dot) com:

    The New York Times has acknowledged that
    statements made by former President Donald Trump
    regarding Vice President Kamala Harris’s support for
    taxpayer-funded transgender surgeries for
    “illegal aliens” in custody were “essentially accurate.”

    SOURCE: article titled: “NY Times Admits Trump Is Right:
    Harris Backed Gender Surgeries for ‘Illegal Aliens’

    2024 September 14 www (dot) matzav (dot) com


    Congresswoman Elise Stefanik said:

    “Because as bad as Joe Biden is, Kamala Harris is worse.
    Kamala Harris won’t merely withhold support for Israel.
    She will actively undermine Israel’s self-defense….”

    She [Congresswoman Elise Stefanik] went on to
    praise Trump effusively for his long,
    historic track record of supporting Israel.

    SOURCE: article titled: “Stefanik Slams Kamala,
    Praises Trump at pro-Israel Summit

    by Baruch Green September 22, 2024 www (dot) VINnews (dot) com


    Congresswoman Elise Stefanik said:

    “At each and every turn, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden
    have stood in Israel’s way, and they have turned
    their back on Israel and the Jewish people.

    For everyone who cares about the safety and existence
    of the Jewish state, Kamala Harris’ disdain for Israel and
    alignment with radical Far Left Hamas terrorist sympathizers
    should instantly disqualify her from any office–let alone
    President of the United States.

    She [Kamala Harris] is a disgrace and must never
    step foot in the Oval Office as Commander-in-chief…”

    SOURCE: article titled: “Stefanik Slams Kamala,
    Pserais Trump at pro-Israel Summit

    by Baruch Green September 22, 2024 www (dot) VINnews (dot) com


    from Mark Matson and matzav (dot) com:

    Mark Matson, a financial expert and author of
    Experiencing the American Dream,
    shared with Breitbart News his strong views on how
    Vice President Kamala Harris’s policies could jeopardize
    the American Dream, calling them a “destroyer” of that ideal.
    He referred to a Wall Street Journal study
    that defines key components of the American Dream,
    such as: home ownership, starting a family
    and raising children, sending children to college,
    and enjoying a secure retirement.

    “All of these things became more difficult under this
    [Kamala Harris] administration,” [Mark] Matson remarked.

    Matson further criticized [Kamala] Harris’s policy proposals,
    including higher taxes, price controls, and increased regulations,
    all of which he believes stand in opposition to the American Dream.

    “These policies,” [Mark]Matson declared, “are an American dream destroyer.”
    [Mark] Matson emphasized the need to preserve
    the Trump-era tax cuts, warning that their expiration
    could result in tax hikes of 20 to 30 percent for Americans.

    SOURCE: article titled: “Financial Expert: Kamala Harris’s Tax Policies
    Are an ‘American Dream Destroyer’

    September 15, 2024 www (dot) matzav (dot) com


    Caroline B. Glick said this on Jewish News Syndicate:

    Since October 7, [2023] [Kamala] Harris has been
    the most outspoken critic of Israel in the administration.

    Just three weeks after the Hamas invasion, and in the midst
    of the worst eruptions of antisemitism in the United States
    in 90 years, Harris announced on X that the Biden administration
    would develop “the first ever U.S. National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia.”

    She [Kamala Harris] then added, falsely,
    “As the result of the Hamas terrorist attack in Israel
    and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, we have seen
    an uptick in anti-Palestinian, anti-Arab
    and Islamophobic incidents across America.”

    Last week [Kamala] Harris raised concerns about her commitment
    to Israel’s security when she met with the heads of the most viciously
    anti-Israel and pro-Hamas group in the Democratic party
    ahead of an election rally in Michigan.

    Harris spoke with the heads of the so-called “Uncommitted National Movement,”
    the group that convinced thousands of pro-Hamas voters in Michigan
    to vote “uncommitted” rather than vote for Biden in the Michigan primaries.

    According to the Washington Free Beacon, the two leaders in
    the conversation with Harris were Abbas Alawieh, former chief of staff
    for Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.), and Layla Elabed, sister of Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.).

    Tlaib and Bush, of course are outspoken in their hatred for Israel
    and for American Jews who support Israel. After losing her
    Democratic primary in a landslide defeat on Aug. 6, Bush
    committed herself to destroying the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.
    In her words, “AIPAC, I’m coming to tear your kingdom down!”

    Alawieh and Elabed told [Kamala] Harris that they want the
    United States to impose an arms embargo on Israel.
    Harris reportedly responded that she is “open” to a discussion
    on the issue. While Harris’s aides have breathlessly insisted
    that she never expressed any support for an arms embargo
    and that she opposes an arms embargo, Harris supported
    the administration’s decision to block shipments
    of several critical weapons systems to Israel.

    In late March she [Kamala Harris] threatened Israel with “
    consequences,” if it defied the administration’s wishes
    and began a ground operation in Rafah.

    In mid-March, [Kamala] Harris stood at a historic Civil Rights
    movement-era site in Selma, Alabama and
    intimated that Israel was committing war crimes in Gaza.

    Referring to humanitarian conditions in the terror enclave
    as a “catastrophe,” [Kamala] Harris said,
    “What we’re seeing every day in Gaza is devastating.
    We have seen reports of families eating leaves or animal feed.
    Women giving birth to malnourished babies with little to no medical care.
    Children dying from malnutrition and dehydration.”

    She [Kamala Harris] then wagged her finger and said,
    “The Israeli government must do more to
    significantly increase the flow of aid. No excuses.”

    None of [Kamala] Harris’s descriptions were accurate.
    By giving voice to the slanders, the vice president
    facilitated the anti-Israel and anti-Jewish riots that
    were taking place on U.S. campuses, and provided support
    to the International Court of Justice at the Hague
    and its Kafkaesque trial of Israel for genocide.

    [Kamala] Harris’s national security adviser Phil Gordon
    has a long history of pro-Iran and pro-Hamas positions….

    SOURCE: article titled: “Trump’s rhetoric vs. Harris’s policies
    by Caroline B. Glick 2024 August 11
    www (dot) jns (dot) org Jewish News Syndicate


    Square root: Proving that Democrats are bad for the Jews does not prove that Trump is good. You can have more than one bad guy. Funny that the religious Zionists finally have their best chance to say that the situation for Jews in America is possibly very dire, but they’re too busy kissing up to Trump to notice.

    I don’t understand the current conservative minhag of ignoring the Tucker Carlson problem. He is very likely the most influential anti-Semite/neo-Nazi type person in the history of The US. There have been other extremists, but never with this kind of following. Why are random, stupid college kids the Democrats’ problem, but extremely mainstream conservative pundits are not the Republicans’ problem?


    Its all about HIM

    As the missiles were landing around EY this AM, Trump’s first thoughts (and posts on his Truth Social site) were how none of this would have happened if HE was President and how he will magically “end the Israeli war” on his first day of returning to office (just like he will end the war in Ukraine, stop all illegal immigration, put a man on Mars etc. all on his first day in office). Not a word of sympathy for the people of EY or even the families of those killed in the terrorist attack at the light-rail station in Tel Aviv. But lots of words about HIM and some sick jokes about Biden who had just ordered U.S. navy ships to intercept the incoming missiles.


    At this point, perhaps the question that needs to be asked if he is remotely “good for the country”. He just pulled out of the 60 Minutes interviews that he and Harris had agreed to for this weekend. Apparently, his campaign team – after watching him over the last three days of increasingly unhinged and unstable ranting at his rallies, and this morning’s rants over the Iran missile attack, is clearly afraid of exposing him beyond comfortable forums such as NewsMax. Remember that back in October 2020, just before he lost the election , he had a meltdown on 60 Minutes and ran off the set when he apparently objected to Leslie Stahl’s questions.


    9) Another factor to consider is that pro-Israel stalwarts such as Mike Pence, Nikki Hailey and Josh Bolton who are all part of the old traditional GOP and had a strong part in influencing the 2016-2020 Trump administration have now been marginalized. Even Senators like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are not in the inside MAGA loop. Those that currently have Trump’s ear hail from the America First element of the GOP that shuns American intervention outside its borders.


    Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz of Matzav dot com said:

    “The Democrat Party that controls the White House and Senate
    is openly anti-Semitic and hostile toward Israel and Jews.

    It is led by a weak, incompetent leader, who caused inflation to skyrocket,
    eroded the moral fabric of the country, and opened the borders
    to millions of unknown and undocumented people from around the world.”

    SOURCE: article titled: “Truly Historic
    by Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz 2024 June 27 on Matzav dot com

    President Joe Biden allowed to enter the USA is
    more than ten million: > 10,000,000.
    They include: convicted criminals, members of violent
    gangs that sell illegal drugs, Chinese spies, Chinese soldiers,
    Chinese Police Officers, and people with infectious diseases.


    WISCONSIN (VINnews) — Jewish activist Shabbos Kestenbaum,
    a Harvard graduate who has filed a lawsuit against the university
    over its antisemitism, will be speaking at the Republican National Convention.

    In a tweet, Kestenbaum announced that he voted for Bernie Sanders
    last election, however his views have changed because of
    what his classmates were doing while Jews were being slaughtered.

    The Convention’s website says that Shabbos is a “lifelong Democrat”
    who will be voting for president [Donald] Trump for the first time.

    SOURCE: article titled: “Shabbos Kestenbaum,
    Formerly a Bernie Sanders Supporter,
    to Speak at GOP Convention

    by Baruch Green 2024 July 15 VINnews (dot) com


    News Reporter Rikki Schlott of The New York Post said:

    With the 2024 election almost upon us, Donald Trump is gaining a new cohort of voters:
    Jewish Americans who feel abandoned by the left.

    According to exit polls, 77 percent of Jewish voters went for Biden in 2020.
    But a recent poll from the Jewish Electoral Institute found
    the president has lost 10 points on his lead against his rival.

    Between college protests erupting into chants for an “intifada revolution,”
    Democrats like Jamaal Bowman leaning hard into pro-Palestine messaging,
    and progressive organizations like Black Lives Matter chapters
    celebrating the October 7th terrorist attacks,
    many Jewish Americans feel abandoned by their party.

    Some lifelong Jewish Democrats feel an explosion of left-wing antisemitism
    has pushed them to re-register as Republicans — and vote for Trump.

    The Post spoke to four local Jewish voters who made the switch in the wake of October 7th:

    [1] Melissa Chapman always considered herself a bleeding heart liberal
    — but she left the Democratic party after she claims it “betrayed” Jewish people.

    “I’ve always been a Democrat, and I really believed that the Democrats
    were going to protect me, because I’ve done everything a good Democrat should do,”
    the 50-year-old Staten Islander told The Post.
    “Then October 7th happened, and I was completely abandoned.”

    Chapman, a mom of two, runs a blog where she champions progressive causes,
    from LGBT rights and animal rights to Black History Month.

    However, after the Hamas attacks which killed 1,200 and took another 250 hostage,
    prompting Israel’s military to respond in Gaza, she found herself
    castigated online in the progressive social media communities she’d long been a part of.

    “Even on my vegan Facebook communities, all the recipes
    became about freeing Palestine, somehow,” she said.
    “If you dissented in any way, you either got bullied, shamed,
    or just kicked out of the group. I was literally abandoned
    by every single community that I poured my heart into.”

    In total, Chapman was booted from 20 online communities
    and called all manner of names, from ‘colonizer’
    to ‘genocide supporter’ and ‘baby killer’.

    “I was told to go back to Poland,” she recalled.
    “One person told me they hope that I burn in the ovens.

    If you support Israel, you’re immediately considered someone
    who’s supporting genocide, which is not, by definition, even true —
    but it doesn’t matter because buzzwords are taking over like wildfire.”

    The experience of being squeezed out of progressive spaces
    caused Chapman to re-register as a Republican.

    “It’s a horrible time to support Israel and be a Democrat,
    and I just don’t think there’s any space for us anymore,” she said.
    “As a Jew, you have to disown Israel in order
    to be accepted into the Democratic community.”

    The post-October 7th reaction has caused Chapman to
    think often of her late father, who was a Holocaust survivor:
    “If he were alive today, I don’t know what he would say.
    I don’t know, but would he say this is like
    what happened in Germany before Hitler took over?”

    As we head into election season, Chapman “1000%” plans
    to vote Republican down the ticket,
    from the local level to the presidential level.

    “I never thought I would be voting Republican in my entire life,” she said.
    “But it’s like living in a twilight zone. As a Jew living in America,
    I don’t believe the Democratic Party has my best interest at heart.”

    [2] After a lifetime as a Democrat, Danny Cohen decided
    his party now “has a cancer” in the form of antisemitism.

    “There’s been a hijacking of the Democratic Party,” Cohen, 56 of Brooklyn,
    told The Post. “Right now the Democratic Party has a cancer.
    It seems like all the antisemitism is just coming out of the woodwork.”

    In the wake of October 7th, Cohen changed his party registration to Republican.
    “The response from the left really shook me to my core,”
    Cohen, who was raised in a Syrian Jewish community in Brooklyn, said.

    “I can’t be part of that party anymore. I don’t want
    to have anything to do with these people.

    As a Jewish person, Cohen says he feels uniquely unsupported by the left:
    “It’s no longer a party that is fighting for human rights
    because you can’t fight for human rights, except for Jewish rights.”

    Over the past year, the standup comic says left-wing antisemitism has been overwhelming.

    “We have ‘The Squad.’ We see what’s going on in college campuses.
    We see what’s going on during these protests.
    It’s taking to the streets, and it’s getting crazy,” he said.

    “I’m not saying that there isn’t any hate in the Republican party —
    we have the KKK, the Proud Boys, Charlottesville — but they
    can’t even hold a candle to the scale of what’s going on on the other side.”

    Accordingly, Cohen is planning to vote Republican for the first time.

    “I’m passionate. I’m excited about it, actually,” he said.
    “It’s a fight against Jew hatred,
    and so now I’m excited about voting for Trump.”

    [3] Sarah Sarkin once took to the streets to protest Trump’s election
    in 2016, waving an “Anybody but Trump” poster.
    Now she’s voting for him in 2024.

    “Being a mother and watching everything that happened in October
    made me make the switch,” Sarkin, who is raising her infant son in Syracuse, said.
    “Those images are still seared and tattooed into my memory,
    and it was just horrifying to see some of the reactions on the left.”

    Although she considered herself “as Democrat as can be”
    until recently, Sarkin, 31, re-registered as a Republican.

    “It was a lot of silence on the left, and that really speaks so loudly
    to how a party that I once thought was for equality and
    for protecting us is really not for equal rights,” Sarkin told The Post.

    “Being a liberal was such a big part of my identity,
    so it was a weird thing for me to switch over.
    But I’m at a different part of my life now, and it’s time for me to change.”

    After October 7th, the safety of her family and Jewish community
    became Sarkin’s number one priority, as a voter and as a mother.

    Her local mom’s group chats were flooded with panicked posts
    about safety, local protests, and whether or not to send kids to school
    on the “International Day of Jihad,” called for by an ex-Hamas
    leader on Oct. 13. Out of fear for their security, Sarkin and
    her husband also decided to become first-time gun owners this year.

    “I had never even held a gun, and it was scary,
    but we wanted to learn how to protect ourselves,” Sarkin said.
    “This became very real for us very soon. It happened in Israel,
    but it can certainly happen here.”

    As November nears, Sarkin plans to cast her ballot for Trump
    because she believes his commitment to Israel is more resounding.

    “At least for me, I need someone who’s a fighter and who knows where they stand.

    [4] Marin Faiella: ‘I’ve never voted Republican before’

    Marin Faiella has never voted Republican in her life,
    but this November she’ll be casting her ballot for Trump.

    “I think at the end of the day, it’s clear whose policies are aligned with a safer,
    stronger allied relationship with Israel,” she told The Post.

    Faiella has always considered herself staunchly pro-choice
    and generally progressive. But October 7th upended her priorities.

    “My number one priority is overall safety and security for myself as a Jewish person,” Faiella said.
    “If your basic 101 safety isn’t in place, then you can’t really advocate for any additional rights.”

    Faiella, who lives in the West Village and works in real estate,
    says pro-Palestine demonstrations in New York City have been a wake-up call.

    “I saw what was on the streets — celebrations, people shouting
    and dressed as terrorists here in New York City,” she recalled.
    “After October 7th, I was just scared to death,
    in terms of being a Jewish person in the city.”

    The progressives’ reaction to October 7th inspired her to change
    her registration from Democrat to Republican last November,
    but she says “the writing has been on the wall.”

    “There were plenty of warnings that were preludes to what
    we’re seeing out in the open now, like Bella Hadid and
    the woke crowd that have been all in on Free Palestine,”
    Faiella said. Hadid is of Palestinian descent.

    Although she was initially conflicted about re-registering
    as a Republican, she is feeling confident in her choice.

    “I’m not anti-Democrat, but I’m definitely anti-extreme Democrats,” she said.
    “I continue to feel more and more confident
    and comfortable in my skin and my new affiliation.
    I can always change back, but this is where I feel
    it’s appropriate to be at this point in time.”

    For Faiella, it all comes down to fundamental safety for the Jewish community.

    “We could be Germany [in the] 1930s if we didn’t have
    the government and law enforcement on our side,” she warned.
    “If that ever changed, we wouldn’t be safe here anymore.”

    SOURCE: article titled: “Meet the Jewish Americans
    who feel abandoned by the Democrats, now voting Republican for the first time

    by Rikki Schlott 2024 July 9, The New York Post, www (dot) NYPost (dot) org


    Jonathan S. Tobin (editor-in-chief of Jewish News Syndicate) said:

    “It was an open secret in Washington that even in an administration
    that was staffed largely by Obama-era alumni, [Vice President Kamala] Harris
    was the most openly sympathetic to the Palestinians
    and the least inclined to stand with a Jewish state
    that had suffered the worst mass slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust.

    From the start of the war that was launched by Hamas on Oct. 7 [2023],
    she has been careful not to go too far in denouncing Israel’s effort
    to defeat the terrorists in Gaza, but she [Kamala Harris]
    has also repeatedly recycled Hamas propaganda about Palestinian casualties.

    Though left-wing Jews are already mobilizing to loyally vouch for her,
    her position is essentially one of moral equivalence
    between Israel and the people who committed murder, rape,
    kidnapping and wanton destruction on Oct. 7 [2023],
    while supporting a genocidal terror group bent on Israel’s destruction.”

    SOURCE: article titled: “Do Kamala Harris
    and the Democrats have a Jewish problem

    by Jonathan S. Tobin (editor-in-chief of Jewish News Syndicate)
    2024 July 23, www (dot) JNS (dot) org


    Andrew Stein (a Democrat who served as New York City
    Council President from 1986 to 1994) said this:

    In 1968, I ran as a Democrat in my first primary election,
    as I sought to become a New York state Assemblyman.

    I fought four more tough primary races against fellow Democrats
    David Dinkins and Robert Wagner Jr. as we vied to become
    Manhattan borough president, and yet another in 1985 against
    Ken Lipper to become City Council president. In every primary
    I had to work my butt off to prove myself to my party and my constituents.
    Those races made me a better public servant and a better man.

    That’s what the democratic process is for — and what the Democratic Party
    is all about: testing our candidates through primary contests and giving our voters a voice.
    This is not happening with Kamala Harris.
    And it’s one of the reasons the Democratic Party will lose to Donald Trump in November.

    If they actually wanted to live up to their name, Democratic leaders
    would insist on an open convention where delegates
    could freely select a presidential nominee in Joe Biden’s place.

    Instead, [Kamala] Harris is getting a free ride from the media
    and from many in her party:
    Those who failed to pass [Joe] Biden off as competent
    are now highly motivated to try to position [Kamala] Harris a
    s someone who’s qualified to be president.
    The anti-Trump press is ready to deify her,
    Hollywood donors are poised to fill her coffers,
    and the left is going all out to maintain their power.

    Only one problem: [Kamala] Harris is utterly unqualified for the job.

    [Kamala] Harris was one of the worst vice presidents in history,
    an abject failure at virtually every task except for casting tie-breaker voters
    for big spending bills that caused the inflation we’re all suffering through.

    Instead, she fixed it for the left — letting millions of unauthorized immigrants (*)
    pour into this country and then backing free healthcare for them all.

    She has no foreign-policy experience, with a background as a
    California “prosecutor” and less than a full term in the US Senate.

    She has not been tested on the national stage in any serious way
    and got zero votes as a failed presidential candidate.

    She is turning her back on our democratic ally Israel,
    even as it faces attacks on three sides from
    Iranian proxies who are holding Americans hostage.

    Her stance only gives comfort to Hamas and signals
    the continuation of weak-kneed pro-Iran policies.

    This week, in her first speech as a 2024 candidate,
    she promised massive new spending programs.
    As a senator, she backed the full $10 trillion Green New Deal.

    So a vote for [Kamala] Harris is a vote for spending that could
    kick off another round of inflation, continued open borders
    costing us billions, higher energy prices and electric vehicle mandates.

    There isn’t a left-wing idea out there that [Kamala] Harris
    has not supported, from the transgender agenda
    to banning private health insurance altogether.

    Her idea of freedom is joining a union,
    not fostering American individualism and innovation.
    Her idea of the future is expanded government handouts for virtually everything.
    Despite [Kamala] Harris’ trademark cackle, her election would be no laughing matter.

    All of the flaws and mistakes of the Biden-Harris administration
    will be magnified if the veep [Vice President] makes it to the Oval Office.
    She is nothing but the Great Pretender, the sequel.

    Donald Trump has had to survive false accusations of racism,
    fines meant to bankrupt him, partisan lawsuits in an attempt to jail him,
    an assassin’s bullet — and now even a second
    presidential opponent, after demolishing his first one.

    Don’t be fooled by all the [Kamala] Harris hype: She is nothing
    but a new mask for the left, a failed vice president who
    in nearly four years on the job never did anything to distinguish herself.

    As an elected Democratic official for 25 years,
    I could not in good conscience vote for Kamala Harris.
    I would have to vote for Donald Trump.

    (*) NOTE: Eleven million [11,000,000] illegal aliens.

    SOURCE: article titled: “I ran in Democratic primaries for 25 years
    — the Kamala Harris coronation is a betrayal

    by Andrew Stein 2024 July 24, The New York Post, www dot NYPost dot com


    Square: If I post 10,000 times about how Hezbollah is bad, does that prove that Hamas is good? You’ve wasted your breath.


    Square Root: Reposting numerous lengthy cut and paste articles from long time pro-Trump politicians and pundits like Elise Stefanik, Caroline Glick, Rabbi Lipshutz and more does not address the points raised or add to the quality of the conversation. We are well.awate that there are many avid supporters of Trump and MAGA. A simple perusal of “frum” media will lead to many articles that rehash Trumpian arguments. However reposting these articles does not address the highly problematic issues with Trump and his candidacy that were raised. These very worrying signs that should give us all pause and cause for concern.


    10) Trump and Vance have engaged in racist rhetoric towards legal Haitian migrants. All minority groups including Jews must be vigilant regarding the acceptance of openly racist ideas and concepts by mainstream politicians.
    11) On a more mundane financial note. Trump’s tariffs are essentially a consumption tax that will increase the price of all imports on the many products bought by large frum families including clothing. This regressive tax will harm larger families that spend more on basic necessities. There is a compelling argument that the proposals of increased child tax credit, earned income credit and first time homeowners grant proposed by Trump’s opponent would be advantageous for the majority of frum families. The financial argument is less of an obvious issue than the ones mentioned above but perhaps it should be considered as well.

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