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  • in reply to: What a year! #2226473

    I can not fathom or understand why Yidden have to be frightened and have to be given doubts that this year where שבת is the first day of ראש השנה is not an exemplary time for additional רוחניות. There are a lot of seforim in Chassidus that explains such: Chabad, Gur, שם משמואל, etc. and it is a pity that it is not viewed as such. We doven and hope that this year will bring the best in גשמיות ורוחניות and then a few will claim maybe not. The main two ideas that we should convince others to observe Shabbos and we all should learn more הלכות of Shabbos is very praiseworthy.

    Chaim Yaakov

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