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  • in reply to: Where is Har Sinai?? #1515028

    The little I know.
    I wasn’t aware of that opinion from R Shlomo Kluger. Obviously I don’t know alot but never saw anyone say somethong along those lines is he the only one. Do others say it is around these days ? I assumed it was a mountain and it’s still there. The things that were hidden are mentioned accross the sefarim like Moshe rabaeinu burial or the Aaron. I never saw this pshat I will def look into it to understand it better but obviously if he wrote that it has to be for a good reason

    in reply to: Where is Har Sinai?? #1515027

    Decoy it’s nice to see ppl have morals and try to better themselves or stay away from things that upset them I wasnt insulted. I just thought it was obvious that anything involved with kedusha would have some kedusha to it. I felt your statement that Har Sinai wouldn’t have kedusha required a better backing of solid opinion or sefarim In my opinion it’s obvious there would be kedusha anything Hashem touches or maybe im wrong but I felt the more common thought process was that Har Sinai wasn’t off limits but def was a special mountain even after the fact a mountain that was used to give the Torah or a mountain that touched the broken luchos or a mountain Singled out by Hashem to be the one mountain to be the center stage of the biggest evenrt in history in my opinion has to be somewhat special I would pay alot of money to own a leaf of the sneh tree wouldn’t you? Thanks for being a mentch and making a kidush Hashem by apologising incase you offended someone and deciding to back away from something that makes you get upset or take to personal. That’s very very respectfull and we should all be smart enough to not let ourselfs get angry or insult people in general especially in a coffee room of random opinions may you be zoche to always be in control of your middos and recognised by the one above because it’s not an easy task Kol hakovad !! Hayzlocha rabah

    in reply to: Where is Har Sinai?? #1514505

    IM sorry about my last comment I didn’t realize you said it was your opinion. And quoted someone I appoligize I didn’t read it properly

    in reply to: Where is Har Sinai?? #1514504

    And who told you that spiritual fires don’t burn? And if your source is nadav and avihu it’s diffeant because it went on thru Thier nose so it didn’t burn Thier clothing but where does it say spiritual fires don’t burn physical things. The amud haesh didn’t burn things? It did how about the birds that got flew over o think it was shmaya and Natalia. Those birds didn’t burn? Was that not a spiritual fire? I say opinions I don’t say things as if I know like Har Sinai has no kedusha or spiritual fires don’t burn. You need to quote a source before saying such silly comments in my opinion from the sounds of it. There are a few ppl here that actually have alot of uedios so please don’t make assumptions without either prefacing it as an opinion or bringing a valid source to back up your strong statements. Thanks

    in reply to: Where is Har Sinai?? #1514501

    Decoy. Your not reading anything in writing. I didn’t say a word about the stone of the mountain being split to reveal designs. I said just the opposite!!!!! I don’t belivee Har Sinai is in the Sinai peninsulah o believe it’s in Saudi Arabia. The same as the book claims so in not sure why you keep saying that I think it’s the mountain with the designs on the inside of the rock or in Sinai peninsulah in my humble opinion i believe it’s in Saudi Arabia and it’s fenced all around it with no trespassing signs in Arabic and English and it’s only my opinion. Regardless of there’s kedusha there or not regardless if you shouldn’t need it to have Aminah. Regardless of anything I think it’s simply very “cool” to see it it’s that simple. I completely disagree with your theroy that there is no defusha there!!! There’s kedusha in a yarmulkah or a shirt that was worn by the chafetz Chaim for example there’s kedusha in your esrog that was used for a mitzvah there’s kedusha that was connected to anything kodosh !!!! Kidusha is not only spiritual it’s physical to if your eyes are kodosh to see it your going to tell me for a second that the mountain that the Torah was given on. The mountain that hashem came down to the mountain that touched the shechina is just reg earth?? The senah has no kedusha even the frogs in mitzrayom that made a kidusha Hashem has kedusha your suckah has kedusha !!! It says the reason why you don’t say Shalom Aleichem on shabos Chol hamoed suckos is because the malachim won’t come into the suckah because they are scared of the shechina there so maybe there’s no din kedusha because Har sinei won’t be used again like Har habois so there’s no need to preserve the kedusha from getting Tomah bit to say Har Sinai is a reg mountain and nothing to get inspired about is insane halavai I should have 1 percent of the dirtest rock on Har Sinai that mountain was chosen to give the Torah on. That alone makes it special even if Hashem didn’t come down that mountain was chosen by Hashem to make the biggest even on history. If u touched that mountain you died !!! Ifbu touch Har haboayos. U don’t die. Your mechyav missah but you don’t die. But Har Sinai was instant death. You think that just goes way? I bet you the ruach hatumah wouldn’t think about touching Har Sinai anyway. Just saying….

    in reply to: Where is Har Sinai?? #1513533

    Decoy. Where does he say Har Sinai is? Not in Saudi Arabia?

    in reply to: Where is Har Sinai?? #1513532

    That’s refering to testing for age because you can’t base the way something aged properly because of the mabul had a big impact and for example may have erased the previous years or increased the age markings but what we are discussing is after the mabul not before no?

    in reply to: Where is Har Sinai?? #1513424

    And then there’s deeper explanations as well all pi Kabbalah For example the ground is tumah and the closer to the ground an animal is the more tumah transfers to it. That’s why even the 2 levels of shekeyz for small rodents that have legs or crawl on their stomach. Touching the ground with no legs is the biggest sheketz pherhaps animals like a lion put Thier hands and feet on the ground. But a hoof is a seperate part of the leg which means the actual foot isn’t touching the ground for the same reason why ppl walk on 2 legs vs animals. Because we’re half human and spiritual. So half of us is touching the ground but the top half that include the head and hands don’t touch the ground because it’s closer because of the part of us that’s holy that’s also why there are more kosher birds than non kosher. Because birds are in the air and don’t get the tumah from the ground. Except if it’s a bad natured or selfish etc otherwise the air is not tumah unlike the ground that’s also why a sheretz in a fruit that never left or touched the ground is not Assur but if it touched the ground it becomes asur even tho when it was in the fruit it was mutar

    in reply to: Where is Har Sinai?? #1513411

    Ok i saw this randomly in the rabenu bichaya and it just reminded me how small we are. It was one sentance that somehow i never heard of in my life . An animal that has split hoofs and chews it’s kud tells us everything we need to know about the animal. If the animal was a fighter like a lion it would have claws. Hashem wouldn’t give a lion a hoot. So obviously the animal with a hood is not a fighter or attacks other animals. And the only reason why an animal would need 4 stomachs or chew it’s due is because it eats grass which is hard to break down and animal that eats meat doesn’t need to chew it over and over. Therefore by seeing split hoofs and seeing it chew it’s cud. Tells you. The animal doesn’t have claws and chew it’s cud tells u it doesn’t it meat it eats grass !! I found that very smart and Im shocked no one knows this also the significance of scales on a fish is scales are like armor in the Gemara. And the top of the water is very warm for fish and they require to go deeper to stay cool. Scales protects the fish from the heat and allows it to stay closer to the top. Apparently the bottom is associated with more tumah

    in reply to: Where is Har Sinai?? #1513208

    On a differant topic did you ever hear what is the significance of split hooves and chews it’s kud? As well as scales? Regardless of its a siman or Siba did you ever wonder whats the shaychos with these simanin and being kosher ?

    in reply to: Where is Har Sinai?? #1513207

    Litvish You are 100 percent right we believe it happened without seeing any pics but for some reason seeing it there with all the details is fascinating I guess maybe it puts you in touch with things that seem so distant and the closest thing to reality we have is the hagadah But I guess the expression a picture is worth 1000 words has some truth to it from what I saw it seemed very very accurate !!! I can say that I know the parsha and the meforshim very well and from what I know it seemed pretty dead on and regarding the tayva it doesn’t seem man made but who knows. It served it’s purpose for me at least. You mentioned a differant video to watch with ahron hakhen. It’s just a cave?

    in reply to: Where is Har Sinai?? #1513213

    Litvish I can’t say the rock the Moshe rabaeinu hit is forsure the same as the pics but let me tell you I would bet money that it’s the same. The rocks are huge and a perfect split down the middle it’s def not cut it looks exactly as if water came gushing out and the rocks below have all smooth surfaces exactly if water was flowing except in not sure how long the water came out of the rock when did it stop ? When they left? When did they leave? The only question is that it seemed like the water came out from the actual Rock. In the pic it seems like it came from the ground under the rock and why would the Saudis have this mountain fenced off unlike any other mountain there? Even the name in Arabic refers to Moses and who spent so much time there trying to mimic Har Sinai and the egel hazov and the stones around the mountain as a gvul and burned rock correct me if im wrong but there are many shitas of where when and how where they crossed where the came out from? A rainbow ? An arch etc even kriyas yomsuf has alot of shitas but they can’t all be accurate tto the full degree this is not a case of shivim panim for example the menorah was either round or square I doubt both shitas cant be correct for the same menorah ? I don’t want to use the wrong words chas visholm my point is there maybe differant opinions where har Sinai or the rock or the sne but I doubt that the real location will fit in with all the differant shitas I THINK WHAT IM SAYING IS RIGHT I HOPE !!

    in reply to: Where is Har Sinai?? #1513167

    Har Sinai is in Saudi Arabia it’s actually surrounded with alot of fences and off limits without connections to the gov but I watched a fascinating video on YouTube showing everything from the yam sir to finding chariot wheels, bones, horse shoes on thethe bottom of the ocean floor they also showed the beach right before the crossing was actually melted sand and rock with a very dark color and fused rocks on top layer but reg rock just under the surface. Which can possibly be from the amud Haish . They also show Har Sinai and it’s amazing to see the top 5 percent that makes the tip of the mountain is burnt. It looks like a shadow but its not it’s actually burnt from the shecinah they also show a huge rock that split in middle in to 2 rocks where the water came from and clearly shows smothed out rocks below where the water poured. They have what looks like a mizbach of rocks with pictures of a calf with the Egyptian style of writing and drawings. It shows where Moshe could have been and a clear view of the aygel it also shows the cave of eliyaho hanavi in the same mountain and many many more very interesting pictures that match very well with what we know about Har Sinai. It can not be in the Sinai peninsulah because that was part of Egypt and we know they left Egypt
    It’s also interesting to see the place where noachs tayva landed in turkey by Mount Harrarat it’s a very visable imprint of a large boat and the measurements of the imprimimt in the ground is 300×50 cubits. Which apparently is Amos. I will try to upload some pics if that’s allowed here (in new to thos site). Bit of anyone. Wants to see pics I can email them pics of Har Sinai the yam suf the tayva it’s actually very interesting and it brings chizuk

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