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  • in reply to: Shadchan list #1262775

    Lilmid Ulelamaid – From my experience, modern orthodox machmir are people who consider themselves to be religious. They keep kosher and shabbat. However, when it comes to learning daily and being serious in their learning its not there. (I do have very little exposure, and this is my own opinion)

    I also don’t know why a moderator had to add comment to my view of modern yeshivish. I started off by saying that it was all my own opinion.

    You then wrote (without an obvious disclaimer) “Movies and TV shows are fine”, which is objectively false as mentioned in the teshuvos of the poskim. (I am not the one who edited your previous post.) -100

    in reply to: Shadchan list #1262221

    I understand modern yeshivish to be someone who has Torah values, learns daily and/or is in yeshiva, but is also open to the secular world. Usually yeshivish people, will label anything outside the direct torah world to be wrong and not appropriate.

    For example, I learn daily and I go to yeshiva daily. I don’t wear the whole white shirt, black pants every day. I don’t believe that you have to wear a hat and jacket to be religious. What we consider non-jewish music, is fine with me. Movies and TV shows are fine, but I wouldn’t want a tv at home.

    Although you write that you consider it “fine” this posting is not in agreement that there are not halachic problems with such activities, nor is it a statement that other’s in your position feel the same as you do.

    in reply to: Shadchan list #1261499

    I don’t like these labels. Haven’t heard of most till I started dating. Modern Yeshivish, is something i saw on SYAS. Boys works has a good description of that label. But then again, people call it toradig as well.

    in reply to: Why religious girls do not learn Torah? #1165951

    I don’t know what they teach in a Bais Yaakov high school. Its a great thing if it as you presented it. I do still believe that there needs to be continuing education after school.

    I do not believe a girl needs to learn every day or every other day. But a once a week learning/review of basic halachot and mussar/outlook is important. We are all human and forget things. A girl can stumble just as much as a guy.

    A girl should not and does not need to learn how to make a halachic decision in specific cases. A Rav should be consulted.

    @Sparkly – I don’t understand the question of “What type of guy are you?” I don’t like labels.

    in reply to: Why religious girls do not learn Torah? #1165947

    Lilmod – Yes, that is correct. Learning in school doesn’t count, especially when it ends after school. I never learned Shakespeare after high school because it wasn’t important to me.

    in reply to: Why religious girls do not learn Torah? #1165943

    I am dating the wrong girls. Trying to make things like this clearer to the shadchanim.

    The way I have learned and even double check from the Rambam, there are two different types learning. Learning Tanacah and the Oral Torah to be able to derive what is permitted and forbidden (the halacah) is called Limud Torah. That is what a woman is not obligated to do and should not do.

    Learning halachot and musar are not forbidden for woman to learn. And its only an obligation for them. I don’t understand the logic of girls who think they can be religious without knowing Halachot. You can do so many things wrong everyday without being aware they are wrong, due to the lack of learning.

    in reply to: Why religious girls do not learn Torah? #1165928

    Brisker – Can you give me the source of the Beit Halevi to read it myself?

    in reply to: Writing your question to the Rabbis of today #1158497

    Not everyone is listed though

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