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לכבוד אחינו בני ישראל אשר באמריקא Rarely in the last several years has my father Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita Given such Clear and Bold ברכות for a צדקה such as

Reb Raphael Yaacov Blugrond, z’l, 75, who lived in the frum community in Baltimore for many years, fell to his death on Sunday night in northern Israel after apparently climbing

You can fulfill the minhag (tradition) of Kaparos with money right now through Yad L’Achim (and join the tefilla on Erev Yom Kippur for free – CLICK HERE) Text to

One of the most outspoken anti-vaxxers in Israel, Chai Shaulian, died of the coronavirus on Monday morning. Shaulian was hospitalized a week ago in Wolfson Hospital in Holon after he

Up to half of the $14 trillion spent by the Pentagon since 9/11 went to for-profit defense contractors, a study released Monday found. While much of this money went to

The “Insured for Life” Fund enters into the life of a family about to lose a loved one, ch”v,  and turns over the  world in order to save his life.  And

How a ” Simple” Yid from Meah Shearim saved over 10 thousand lives!   In 2020, about a month after Corona virus hit Israel, a family reached out to Rabbi Markowitz

The levaya of Reb Avrohom Lavy, z’l, the Sanzer chassid killed in a car accident in Ukraine last week, took place on Sunday afternoon. Following a three-day delay, the niftar’s

In a blitz of TV ads and a last-minute rally, California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom urged voters Sunday to turn back a looming recall vote that could remove him from

A man with a Chareidi appearance assaulted UTJ MK Meir Porush outside his home on Monday morning. When Porush left his home, the man began yelling insults at him and

Agudath Israel of America, together with the Jewish Coalition for Religious Liberty, has filed an amicus curiae (“friend of the court”) brief asking the United States Supreme Court to hear

The son of slain al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden told an Israeli media outlet that he’s ashamed of his father’s actions and he hopes to visit Israel one day. Omar

Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski Zatza”l read out this disturbing letter from a Yeshiva Bochur that he received, at a Guard Your Eyes event: I’m a twenty-one-year-old yeshivah bachur. I went to prominent

Are you or someone you know in need of a zechus for their bashert? Once again , Harav Chaim Kamievsky will be saying a special tefillah at Neilah for all

All of New York’s 472 subway stations now are equipped with security cameras. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority announced Monday that it had installed the last of thousands of cameras at

The average person doesn’t need a COVID-19 booster yet, an international group of scientists — including two top U.S. regulators — wrote Monday in a scientific journal. The experts reviewed

First, some blamed the deadly Jan. 6 attack at the U.S. Capitol on left-wing antifa antagonists, a theory quickly debunked. Then came comparisons of the rioters to peaceful protesters or

Dozens of extremists protested against Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion as he visited a Talmud Torah in the Bar Ilan neighborhood on Monday morning. The extremists protested against the mayor due

The United Nations on Monday drummed up millions of dollars in emergency funds from donor countries for beleaguered Afghans who could soon face widespread hunger, even as Western governments and

The story of Yonah is told in a captivating way that children of all ages will find fascinating.  This eighteen minute animated film is a great way to prepare your

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