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WILD THEORY: Was Trump Drugged Up While in the White House?

(AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File)

It is widely believed – and perhaps even agreed – that President Joe Biden is being drugged up to help keep his aging mind from wandering off and going blank. But there’s also a belief that former President Trump was on some stuff, as well.

Joe Rogan, the most popular podcaster in the world (who leans conservative/libertarian), floated an astounding theory about former President Trump and his time in the White House in a recent podcast episode.

Speaking to comedian Tom Segura, the conversation quickly turned to a discussion about Trump.

“The thing that is incredible about that guy is that, you know, I’m saying even when you watch him as president, he was full of… energy — full of it every day. And they said he slept like four hours a night. He’s one of those people,” Segura said.

“He’s on Adderall,” Rogan theorized. “Do you think he’s on Adderall?”

“Yes, I do — only because there were multiple people who used to work on The Apprentice that were like, ‘He was… gassed up for shoots,’” Segura said.

“Really?” asked Rogan.

“Yeah. Cause he has trouble reading. He doesn’t — he would struggle to read prompter or script when he was just, uh, let’s say ‘sober.’ So they would give him that and he would dial in more on reading,” Segura added.

Segura said he believed the same was happening when Trump was president.

“He would get bored at the CIA briefing in the mornings. He would like, ‘I don’t wanna read that,’” said Segura.

“I heard they would put his name in briefings multiple times to keep him interested,” Rogan added.

Segura then said he heard that Jared Kushner had come up with a process to keep Trump interested and involved in what was going on.

“He came up with a formula to keep him engaged — he obviously was close to him and knew him well and the formula was um, like two good, one bad,” Segura said. “So if they were gonna give him bad news … you start with some good news. So they go, ‘This is going well, everybody’s thrilled with you about this. Here’s a bad thing. Also people love you for this.’”

“Of course!” Rogan laughed, “He’s a man baby.”

“He’s a… toddler,” Segura agreed.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

23 Responses

  1. Tony Schwartz who was the ghost writer for The Art of the Deal has frequently mentioned Trump’s short attention span and his inability to read. Schwartz claimed that Trump had never read a complete adult book. People who dealt with him in real estate often said he had the attention span of a flea.
    I have no idea who Rogan or Segura are but they do raise an interesting question.

  2. The article mentions “adderall”? I had to look it up on the web. It is an ADHD medication. So basically they are making fun about someone who has a “treatable” condition called ADHD? It makes as much sense as complaining about someone who is diabetic and who keeps his condition under control with insulin.

  3. Please remove this article. To make fun of people with neurological differences and to call those using medication appropriately “drugged” is a new low. Lots of people with ADHD are very accomplished because of their extra energy and ability to hyperfocus.

  4. georgeg, it’s just like making fun of a 79 year old man for acting like an elderly zaidy. This is the price you pay for being in politics.

  5. Georgeg and Kollelwife got it right. More generally, YWN would be more informative and balanced if it would stop editorializing and emotion-signalling in its headlines.

  6. And Joe Biden grew up with a stutter that he’s worked on for his entire life, and people still make fun of him for gaffs. Take it for what it’s worth.

  7. Can’t we get an ap piece that reads…

    From Multiple sources Biden was constantly drugged up every time he was needed to regurgitate words from his teleprompter.

  8. If you want to make stuff up, dont choose something we all are witness to. I’ve seen him read the teleprompter many many times on live television. His reading is just fine. Once you prove to be a liar – anything else you say is garbage.

    They might be mixing him up with XJB

  9. Of course he is drugged up – on Adrenalin – He has an overative gland. An old neighbor in Brooklyn told me he remembers him as a youth running around the neighborhood at high speeds in his car.

  10. > Menachem Shmei

    First and foremost, the point is that “we” the “little people” have “our” right to remark about those out “there” who talk this way. That those who enter politics expect such treatment is not relevant to “our” right to make “our” remarks and judgments heard as to whose remarks are legitimate and whose are not.

    But even further, Biden is not “acting like an elderly zaidy” – he is obviously senile and may even be suffering dementia. Any attack (such as it is from anything legitimately conservative) is against those who are taking advantage of Biden’s medical condition for their own power grab – using him as their puppet. far from an attack, calling out Biden’s mental state is an act of mercy calling attention to the fact that he is a lost soul (mentally) who should be allowed the dignity of being left alone and OUT OF POLITICS instead of being pushed into the limelight by his “handlers”. That is completely different – and in fact the opposite – of falsely attacking a surprisingly energetic if opinionated Trump.

  11. Aside from the fact that there is no evidence other than speculation to these allegations, insinuating that there is something wrong with taking ADHD medications is unacceptable. Our community has enough of an issue as it is with minor treatable mental health disorder stigmatization. As kollelwife123 and Georgeg said, poking fun at someone for that and intimating that they are doing something wrong, inherently broken, and unqualified for their position because they utilize medications is ridiculous, and would never occur in the equivalent physical health situation. We do not need to add flame to the current stigma fires, or to aggravate the challenge of the myriads of people responsible enough to take advantage of the treatments available for this issue to maximize their productivity and functionality. On the contrary, this would be a success story, not a failure.

  12. @georgeg, at first I thought that you were a kind, compasionate person who is deeply upset about poking fun at innocent people.

    I expected you to say, “You’re right, you shouldn’t be making fun of anyone!”

    Now I see that you are just a pro-Trump anti-Biden activist. Nu nu.

    I neither hold myself as a democrat or republican. I think we should make fun of Trump when he does something that actually warrants it (as opposed to over here. see my first comment), and also make fun of Biden when he does something that actually warrants it.

    The fact that this website often makes silly, baseless jokes about Biden and there are usually about 2-3 comments that condemn them, and when they put anything about Trump there are 20 comments against them – shows who the frum world worships.
    And its amazing how when it comes to Trump, everyone comments about how morally wrong it is to make fun of someone.
    Just call a spade a spade, say: “YWN, I love Trump, please don’t make fun of him!”

  13. If he was using drugs, maybe he left some behind for Biden. If the American people insist on electing those well past the sell by date, someone has to come up with something to keep them functional.

  14. YWN, can you start putting up summaries of the Joe Rogan podcast every day? They are very interesting, but three hours is a bit too long for me…

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