LIMITLESS HATE: Antisemites Steal Israeli Flag From Holocaust Survivors In Flatbush

Israeli Flag

The NYPD and Flatbush Shomrim are investigating after an apparent pro-Hamas antisemite trespassed on the property of an elderly couple, both of whom survived the Holocaust, and stolen an Israeli flag.

The hooligan was captured on security footage encroaching on their private property shortly at 4 am Sunday, taking the Israeli flag – which had been proudly displayed on the home’s frontage – and walking off.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. According to Islamic law, anyone who commits theft must get his hand cut-off.

    I therefore suggest that if the person who stole the flag is a Muslim,
    he should have his hand cut-off, according to the teachings of his own religion.

  2. What right did that couple have to cause incitement? They should know that blacks and Arabs are very sensitive to the Israeli flag and shouldn’t be permitted to display it if Arabs or their black friends have to walk by.
    A little sensitivity goes a long way.

  3. Circle: According to your logic, wearing a kipah is also “incitement”.
    Circle: According to your logic, wearing a yeshivah uniform is also “incitement”.
    Circle: According to your logic, wearing a Chasidish malbushim is also “incitement”.
    Circle: According to your logic, a menorah in the window is also “incitement”.
    Circle: According to your logic, a public sukkah is also “incitement”.

  4. “The Judge”, Little Saint Trayvon’s death had nothing to do with what he was wearing. He died because a good citizen saw him casing a house for a possible burglary, called the police, and started following him, whereupon he attacked that ciitzen and tried to murder him.

  5. Circle, this is America where we have the inalienable right to display whatever we like, and if someone doesn’t like it they can go to Azozel. Why would blacks be sensitive to an Israeli flag. But if they are, tough luck to them. They have no right to do anything about it. If you think we “shouldn’t be permitted” to display an Israeli flag then you should go live in Gaza or Iran or some other hellhole where there is no freedom of speech.

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