JFK Luggage Crooks Nabbed

arrest5.jpgIf you’ve ever come through JFK and wondered what happened to your camera with all your vacation pics, or had the feeling that someone had pawed through your underwear while you weren’t looking, you have these guys to thank — or goons like them.

Two air-headed airport workers at Kennedy were captured by security cameras in a sting designed to catch thieves stealing electronic equipment that had been planted by authorities, the Daily News reported.

Brian Burton, 27, of Queens, and Antwon Simmons, 26, of Brooklyn, stole a laptop and cell phone from “decoy luggage” at the airport, Port Authority officials told the paper.

Burton, in clear violation of his sacred duties as an Transportation Security Administration officer, was videotaped on July 7 rummaging through the planted Miami-bound suitcase in a screening room, while Simmons, a baggage handler, kept lookout, officials said.

The crooks also switched tags on the luggage, in some sort of ploy to pull off the perfect crime, the News reported.

Each faces up to four years in prison if convicted.

(Source: NBC New York)

3 Responses

  1. These are the guys we trust for our security!!I all ways felt these guys would let pass threw security a weapon for a few dollars. The only one that could watch us is hashem!!

  2. they should each be locked up in a suitcase with food and drink for a few days and sent on a flight from new york to Australia with 3 connections.

    they wont do it ever again.

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