UPDATED 11:52AM EST: Frum Woman Killed In MVA on Route 17

candle24.gif9:44AM EST: A 49-year-old Brooklyn woman was R”L killed in an early morning car accident on the Route 17 Exit ramp (at Exit 130). She apparently lost control of her car at approximately 6:00AM & it hit a tree. She was transported to Arden Hill Medical Center, but R”L later died of her injuries. Further information will be posted shortly.

11:52AM EST: The women who was tragically Niftar is Suzie Paneth A”H, wife of R’ Mottie Paneth of Boro Park. (From Quaker Hill Bungalow Colony.) The Levaya will take place tonight (Tuesday) in Shomrei Hadas Chapels on 14th Avenue & 39th Street at 7:00PM.

24 Responses

  1. a tiera neshama. she couldn’t hurt a fly. she “fargined” everyone.she would give you anything and everything. yehi zichroh boruch.

  2. To lessen tragedies in the future, can we all take upon ourselves to be Medakdek on Shmiras Haloshon, to prevent the carrying out of murderous Sinas Chinom.

  3. thank u so much for the update
    what a special women and what special kids she has mat hashem help them get threw this
    to hello i herd that they r sitting shiva in E”Y is that true

  4. the doughter that went to the eastern europe tour yesterday is flying to the levaya in israel from poland tomorow and coming back to nyc with her family to sit shiva

  5. Does anyone have the Eretz Yisroel levaya information, and know where (and until when) the family will be sitting shiva in Eretz Yisroel?

  6. they have i girl that went on the europ tour does any one know if she is coming back to new york or she is going to isreal

  7. 6-I think the whole family will be going to E”Y.
    7-She was alone coming back from a wedding which she was the party planner.

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