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PA Official Compares Israeli Prison To Auschwitz

Palestinian Authority Deputy Minister Ziad Abu Ein belittled the Holocaust by using the term “the Auschwitzes” three times in 2 sentences during his PA TV interview, Palestinian Media Watch reports.

The PA, Israel’s so-called “peace partner”, as policy repeatedly compares Israel to the Nazis, and continuously reiterates the libel that Israel performs medical experiments and tortures Palestinian prisoners. Palestinian Media Watch reported in May that the PA accused Israel of doing Mengele-like experiments on imprisoned Palestinians.

The following is PA Deputy Minister of Prisoners’ Affairs Ziad Abu Ein’s statement that Israeli prisons were worse than “the Auschwitzes of the Nazis”:

“Israel forgets that we are now in the 21st century and that the conditions of our Palestinian prisoners are worse than the Auschwitzes of the Nazis, where Jewish detainees were held. If we return to the pictures of the Auschwitzes, how [Jews] were on beds and so on in the Auschwitzes – in our case, the beds were only introduced in the 1990s, and it was [only] a metal bed.”  [PA TV (Fatah), Oct. 6, 2011]

This is common in the PA (Palestinian Authority), and the suit-and-tie image seen in the international diplomatic community in no way reflects the realities seen at home, in PA areas, where children and residents alike are inundated with the same message, hate for the State of Israel and the need to wipe it out.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. I thought the PA deny the holocaust?
    So what are they compearing it to?
    I get it its for their benifit so now started beleaving in it

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