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R’ Ovadia’s Chair Was Not Stolen

Regarding a YWN-ISRAEL report from last week Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef’s Shlita chair was stolen from the Yazdim Shul, Baruch Hashem the gabbai learned the chair was loaned out without his permission, leading to his panic when he realized it was not it its usual place.

The chair was loaned to a prominent rav in Yerushalayim for a simcha but there was an apparent lack of communication with the gabbai who is responsible for making such arrangement. Fortunately for the gabbai, he learned of the chair’s whereabouts not too long after discovering it was missing, minimizing the agmas nefesh involved.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


2 Responses

  1. I find it amusing that anyone believes these stories tha the chair could fetch tens of thousands of dollars. Even among the Rav’s followers, they are not going to pay a small fortune for a wooden chair.

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