Statement by President Obama on Chanukah

Michelle and I send our warmest wishes to all those celebrating Hanukkah around the world.

This Hanukkah season we remember the powerful story of the Maccabees who rose up to liberate their people from oppression. Upon discovering the desecration of their Temple, the believers found only enough oil to light the lamp for one night. And yet it lasted for eight.

Hanukkah is a time to celebrate the faith and customs of the Jewish people, but it is also an opportunity for people of all faiths to recognize the common aspirations we share. This holiday season, let us give thanks for the blessings we enjoy, and remain mindful of those who are suffering. And let us reaffirm our commitment to building a better, more complete world for all.

From our family to the Jewish Community around the world, Chag Sameach.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. Still waiting to hear Obama’s statement on the recent “Palestinian” pronouncement that they will not give up one inch of land, from the sea to the river, north to south. Now that would be newsworthy. This statement on Chanuka – who cares?

  2. To No. 1: We should care that the President of the United States has taken the time to pander to an extremely small voting constituency – that would be us Jews. Not so long ago, Jews were not spoken of in “polite society.” Our arrival as part of the US mainstream is valuable to us American Jews and even more valuable to the Jews of the State of Israel. US support is essential to the survival of the State of Israel. The US administration knows that, and the Israeli mainstream knows it and knows that the current US administration has been as strong a supporter and protector of the State of Israel as any US administration. As for Eretz Yisrael, that is in the hands of Hashem. It is not necessary to choose between the US and Hashem – they both have a role to play in the survival of the Jewish people.

  3. #3, We know that the president is a sonei yisroel, a personal friend of terrorists, and anything nice he says about Jews or Israel is only for personal gain. When push comes to shove, if he has a chance to hurt us he will.

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