Tonight, Thursday 7 Sivan 5773 will be a stormy one in Yerushalayim as the Eida Chareidis plans a major rally outside the IDF’s Rashi Street induction center. The Eida is protesting against government gezeiros to draft bnei Torah into the military or a government approved national service.
Announced speakers include Eida Gavaad HaGaon HaRav Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss Shlita, Eida Ravaad HaGaon HaRav Moshe Sternbuch Shlita, HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita, HaGaon HaRav Moshe Tzadka Shlita and HaGaon HaRav Yehuda Addis Shlita. Kabolas Ohl Malchus Shomayim will be recited by the Toldos Aaron Rebbe Shlita.
The event is scheduled to get underway at 19:00.
(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem – Published on Isru Chag Shavuos 5773 in Eretz Yisrael)
8 Responses
Wouldn’t the cause be better served by learning more instead of all the bitul Torah that goes along with an event like this. If too many cahreidim coem, who will be protecting the soldiers?!?
Rachmastrivker Rebbe is also on the program
why would you publicize this chilul hashem
The tefila rally was a humongeous Kiddush Hashem.
#1- You will never get an answer to that. You cannot reason with these people….
The Israeli government has announced plans for mass arrests of Hareidim. We haven’t seen anything like this since the early 1940s. In the current era, massive publicity is needed to avoid the decree. If the pro-zionists frum parties (Shas, Degel ha-Torah and Agudah) can stop the decree, more power to them. But if they can’t, Israeli hareidim need to fight. It isn’t our style to fight the way our cousins (the Yismaelim) do – but mass demonstrations and civil disobedience and be effective (cf. Gandhi in the Rag, King in the Jim Crow south).
#1 are you saying lomdei torah should never stop and daven because of the bitul torah? what are you talking about a hafganah is full with divrei torah and tehillim alot better than you were doing on a motzei shavuos. how was your pizza?
What arrests are being planned? What event in the 1940 are you referring to? Perhaps you are referring to the British arresting the Irgun and Lechi? There you had a people who took up arms to defend the yishuv against an occupying army and you saw religious and secular Jews alike participating in this effort. Or is it, perhaps, the holocaust that you are referring to? If it is, then it is obvious that you have no clue of what the holocaust was all about to even consider such a suggestion. Comparing every slight dispute where a party presents a perceived wrong, cheapens the holocaust and feeds the holocaust denyers. It is very apparent that the conversation will get quite shrill over the next several years and quite unproductive as well. Let’s hope that Torah will grow despite the rhetoric.