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WATCH IT: Police Officer Fires Weapon In The Air Amid Violent Clashes With Peleg Protesters

Peleg protests in Bnei Brak; Police officer fires in the air.

Clashes between Chareidim and Israel Police occurred in Mea Shearim, Ashdod, and Bnei Brak on Sunday, as police arrived at yeshivos and schools that had opened in violation of lockdown regulations.

In the Mea Shearim neighborhood of Jerusalem, police clashed with residents as they attempted to close a yeshiva.

Police fired tear gas and “boash” (putrid-smelling water) to disperse the protesters.

In Ashdod, police arrived at the Grodno Talmud Torah, affiliated with the Peleg (Eitz) movement, and violent clashes ensured outside the school.

A Kan News report broadcast a video of a police officer in Ashdod twice waving a boy in the air and throwing him.

A wounded protester is evacuated from the scene in Ashdod. (צילום: קבוצת ‘מחאות החרדים הקיצונים’)

In reaction to what occurred in Ashdod, Peleg members decided to “close down Bnei Brak” and violent scuffles in the city ensued. At one point, a police officer, fearing he was in danger, fired his gun in the air.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem

23 Responses

  1. Yidden calling other Yidden Natzis or having the heart of hitler have no idea who nazis were or who hitler was. it is a terrible and deep aveira to call another Yid by those names and violent reaction is not unexpected. It hits a deep nerve within the Yiddishe soul even if the spark of that neshomo is buried deep. It is certainly not Vhalachta Bidrachav!! NOt defending the poloce …. but cannot defend Frum Yidden behavior either. We need to rise and not sink.

  2. BS”D
    Too bad the Israeli government uses lockdowns rather than Dr. Zelenko’s protocol, ivormectin, and Pulmicort.
    There is no need to die from covid.
    There is no need to destroy people’s livelihoods.
    Instead of being a light unto the nations, the government prefers to curry favor with Gentile rulers by taking tyrannical measures against their own kind.

  3. shame YWN keeps showing half story by writing about Peleg
    How about telling everyone how the mainstream Israeli charedim are suffering with everyone labeling them crazy
    how about writing how BB residents were shaken to the core on Thursday night when police were throwing explosives on quiet innocent streets and any innocent person walking on the street was beaten
    how about writing that the Israeli police take bribes when they have no patience to storm shuls/events/weddings but always make a hocus pocus when it comes to ‘Satmar yonah’
    Did you ever post that police officers are under investigation for taking bribes.. this all shows police corruption, most of which is covered up so super well

  4. “DrYidd January 24, 2021 11:38 am at 11:38 am
    expel them from Israel to Iran”
    Most of their grandparents were in Israel before 1948.

  5. lolllollll the cop who fired his gun looks like such a two year old… “fearing he was in danger” puh-leeze. I pashut feel bad for him… Also, the officer in the top video looks like a sadistic freak — which is far worse, by the way.
    That said, we will hereby review what we have discussed previously on YWN:
    1) The passage and enforcement of any law by the Zionist entity is completely illegitimate. This is true no matter how reasonable, necessary and even life-saving said law may be — and, @G-d bless Senator Ted Cruz, being that for whatever fortunate or unfortunate reason the Zelenko protocol is NOT being used, the COVID laws most certainly are reasonable, necessary and life-saving (although I agree that G-d should bless Senator Ted Cruz).
    2) Ignoring COVID is terrible and I wish there would be a legitimate entity in existence that could legitimately enforce some form of COVID regulations. It is a chillul Hashem she’ein k’dugmaso.

  6. Perhaps a new country should be formed for such people. They should be given their own territory and be allowed to govern themselves. No closures of schools or shuls or anything else. No vaccines. No doctors because secular studies are forbidden and no Army.

  7. Half of the police are not yidden my friend. The others have zero shaychus to yiddishkeit, eynon bechlal Massa anchora given the chance they are capable of doing the same thing the nazis did. The brisker Rav said they are choshud on retzicha you may call them nazis

  8. I forgot to mention that I would want to double-check if the protest was truly a “Peleg” protest… Most of the people in the videos look chasidish…

  9. IBJ – If they are truly “chosod on retzicha” then please do not call them for help by the next chefetz chosud and do not ask them to provide security by closing streets and leading a motorcade when your favorite Rebbe decides to visit.

    Very easy to bash secular studies, bash the army, bash the quarantines and then come crying for help from those same people who went to college, served in the army, and actually worked to stop the spread of a disease that his killed thousands of yidden.

  10. IBJ – Once you are quoting the Brisker Rov it would be worthwhile to mention that Rav Chaim Schmulevits held that IDF soldiers have the status of the Harugei Lod who were moser nefesh to give their lives for Klal Yisrael.

  11. Meanwhile, no police are stopping Muslims from praying in mosques,especially the Temple mount, without any coronavirus restrictions.And anti-netanyahu protesters also get a free pass, but haredim studying in Yeshiva? The full force of the sadistic police force is on them.

  12. G-D Bless Cruz:
    The Zelenko protocol is really effective. I heard that Elvis took it and survived COVID and he is 86 years old.

  13. The misyavnim must be defeated. We can’t allow some bare headed pork eating lowlifes to dictate how Frum Bnei Torah should live their lives. Force closing religious Yeshivos by secular government is illegal.

  14. @crazykanoiy: You’re right. People SHOULD NOT be calling them for help. It is apikorsus. Do we believe the halacha pesuka that they are chashud on retzicha or not? Well said! I hope I can stay strong if I ever feel the need to call them! Thank you! Also, please do not compare IDF soldiers to the sadistic Zionist police force. They literally have nothing in common.

  15. When I’m reading a comment and I see the phrase, “Zionist Entity” I skip the remainder and move on to the next comment. Life is too short to waste on stupidity.

  16. “G-D Bless Cruz:
    The Zelenko protocol is really effective. I heard that Elvis took it and survived COVID and he is 86 years old.”
    I personally know Zelenko and his protocol and that it helped 100’s of people to avoid hospitals. Can’t go into details. But who is Elvis?

  17. In danger?? What a joke. The guy had a good daled amos around him.
    And it is really a chutzpah, in all these kinds of things, that the female police davka touch the men because they know its osur.
    This, people call a Jewish State? What am I missing??

  18. >> no police are stopping Muslims

    Someone was driving R Moshe Feinstein and got a speeding ticket. He asked the Rav – Hashem is supposed to protect a person on the way to a mitzvcah and I got a ticket?! R’ Moshe said – yes, that is why Hashem sent the policeman to make sure you are driving safely.

    So, here Tzadiikim from Israeli Police are risking their life to rescue Jewish children from the pandemic so that they can be healthy and learn Torah and have remaining of the their Rebbes alive – and you wondering why they are such racists and not saving Muslims first?

  19. @Wolfman: When I see a commenter so insecure that he can’t even READ arguments he doesn’t understand, I budge right along.

    @Always_Ask_Questions: How naive we gonna be, bud? Do you actually believe that the police care about the kids’ lives? lolllollllllooolllololol! Have you ever been to Eretz Yisroel? Besides for the fact that the police are sickos and most certainly do not care for the lives of the little chareidi children (as supplementally demonstrated on video after video after video after video on this and other websites), the police commonly flout COVID regulations themselves in private (and often in public). I live right next door to a huge police compound; lemme tell ya, these guys are not scared of no pandemic, lol.

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