BDE: HaGaon HaRav Eliyahu Abba Shaul, Z’tl, Rosh Yeshivas Ohr L’Tzion

HaGaon HaRav Eliyahu Abba Shaul, z'tl. (Photo: Yaakov Cohen)

The Olam HaTorah on Monday was enveloped in mourning following the bitter news of the petirah of HaGaon HaRav Eliyahu Abba Shaul, z’tl, Rosh Yeshivas Ohr L’Tzion in Jerusalem, at the age of 70.

The niftar was one of the Gedolei Roshei Yeshivos in the Sephardi Torah world.

The Rosh Yeshivah collapsed in his home on Rechov Sorotzkin in Jerusalem on Monday morning. Hatzalah paramedics who arrived at the scene engaged in prolonged resuscitation attempts but ultimately were forced to declare his death.

HaRav Eliyahu Abba, z’tl was born in Jerusalem, the only son of the Gaon Chacham Ben-Tzion Abba Shaul, z’tl, Rosh Yeshivas Porat Yosef and Ba’al HaOhr L’Tzion.

As a bochur he learned in Yeshivas Kol Torah in Bayit Vegan and Yeshivas Ponevezh in Bnei Brak, where he was the talmid muvhak of the Roshei Yeshivos, HaGaon HaRav Shach, z’tl, and HaGaon HaRav Povarsky, z’tl.

Following his marriage, he served as a Rosh Mesivta in Yeshivas Porat Yosef. He was later appointed the Rav of the Itri neighborhood in Jerusalem and at the same time served as the Rosh Kibbutz in Yeshivas Yakirei Yerushalayim.

After his illustrious father’s petirah, he established Yeshivas Ohr L’Tzion, and also served as the head of Machon Ohr L’Tzion, which published his father’s sefarim.

The niftar left behind 12 children who are continuing in the path of Torah and mitzvos, including HaGaon HaRav Ben-Tzion Abba Shaul, a marbitz Torah in the yeshivah and the author of a series of sefarim on Shas.

The levaya is leaving from Yeshivas Ohr L’Tzion, located in the Givat Moshe neighborhood of Jerusalem, at 4 p.m.

Yehi Zichro Baruch.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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