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Arab Stabs Chabad Shaliach While Shouting “Allahu Akbar”

Israel Police

HaRav Shneur Yitzchakov, a Chabad shaliach in Ra’anana, was stabbed on Sunday by a 17-year-old Arab.

Rav Yizchakov told Radio 103FM that he had just finished counseling a couple at their home and was waiting to cross the street at the crosswalk. Standing near him at the crosswalk was an Arab who stared at him with hate-filled and murderous eyes and suddenly yelled out “Alluhau Akbar” and pulled out a knife.

“I jumped on him first and attacked him and we exchanged blows,” Rav Yitzchakov said. “It happened on the crosswalk itself. There was no one else there. I managed to overpower him. He kept trying to stab my upper body and I didn’t let him. I gave him kicks and punches and then I sat on him. The person whose home I just came from heard the screams and ran out to the street and kicked him on the back of his head. The knife fell and I let go for a minute to grab it and at that moment he ran away and began to flee. I took the knife and started to chase after him.”

The Arab managed to stab Rav Yitzchakov on his legs but Baruch Hashem he was only mildly injured.

The police opened an investigation into the incident.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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