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Gazan Women Gives Birth to Quadruplets in Barzilai Hospital

32-year-old Gaza resident Hola Fadallah gave birth to quadruplets in Ashkelon’s Barzilai Hospital this week. According to Prof. Eyal Entebbe, the children, two boys and two girls, were born by c-section in the 32nd week and they are all doing well.

Entebbe reports the mother was under the hospital’s case during the past months, and the infants are all in the preemie ward and doing fine. The professor adds that she arrived herself since her husband was unable to obtain the necessary security clearance to enter into southern Green Line Israel.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Whose taxes are paying for these new potential enemies of the Jewish people? More than one Arab patient of Jewish doctors in Israel have come back to destroy the hand that healed them.

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