A truly frightening video posted by MEMRI, the Middle East Media Research Institute, shows the depth of hatred some US citizens harbor for their own country.
At an international Al-Quds Day rally in Dearborn, Michigan, participants yelled: “Death to America” as the speaker said: “It’s not just Genocide Joe that has to go, it’s the entire system that has to go – it does not deserve to exist on G-d’s earth.”
Another speaker said: “Israel is ISIS, Israel are Nazis, fascists and racists.”
Dearborn, home to the largest Muslim population in the U.S., with 55% of its 110,000 residents stemming from the Middle East or North Africa, is represented by Democrat Rashida Tlaib, a member of The Squad.
(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
5 Responses
Thank you, Yeshiva World News, for pointing out how vile is a major portion of the Moslem population of Dearborn — how anti-American and how Jew-hating they are.
It is important to decisively defeat the Democratic Party across the board for at least two landslides in a row — in order to give that party the message they it should abandon the illiberal, leftist minority to which it currently panders. Should that party reorient itself to the American center so that both parties support traditional American values, our country will be much healthier in every way.
You assume Biden and the rest have a moral compass. As long as they vote for him, he has no issue. They don’t believe the voters will ever get their way (including these people especially), but if things did go sour, they have enough assets like a middle-eastern dictator that they can shelter somewhere with bodyguards and be just fine.
It’s what the seculars called “having no skin in the game”
YWN is Islamophobic let’s cancel it 😋
The reason this demented TREASONOUS America hating DemonRat gangster in the WH, is pandering to these America hating jihadist rats, is because he is on the same page and agrees with them 100%.
The only difference is that they only scream death to America, but this traitorous swine acting as President is knowingly killing yearly over 100,000 young Americans who overdose on Fentanyl coming in through the wide open borders deliberately left open by this traitor.
You know, noone is holding you here in this terrible country, the “rottenest country on earth” in your horrible sickening words. So sorry to break the news but this terrible “system” which you say “has to go”, well it ain’t going nowhere. Republicans will take this country back in several months, the ones who will go, will be your mouthpieces – Tlaib, Omar and their ilk.
So, do us all a favor and please leave this country! Noone needs sick animals like you in Michigan, noone needs sick people like you in the USA. Go back to Iraq, Syria, Lebanon or whatever sick country you came from. That’s the best way to get your preferred “system” back.