P’sak of Chacham Ovadia Shlita – Har Choma Joins Yerushalayim

ovadia.jpgFor residents of Jerusalem’s Har Choma neighborhood, located not far from eastern areas of Gush Etzion, they are to consider themselves residents of the capital regarding Megilla reading and the observance of Purim.

For those who follow the rulings of Maran Rav Ovadia Yosef Shlita, this year, they will read megilla and observe Purim on Shushan Purim together with residents of Yerushalayim. Some have asked the Rav regarding Har Choma since they are aware Rav Ovadia holds Ramot residents are not considered as part of Yerushalayim according to Rav Ovadia, and they are to read megilla as do Tel Aviv residents, on 14 Adar.

Rav Ovadia sent his shlichim to tour Har Choma and report back to him regarding the aerial distance, villages and other considerations, leading to the p’sak halacha.

Maran Rav Elyashiv Shlita includes Ramot in Yerushalayim regarding Purim, but other poskim including Rav Ovadia do not agree.

According to Rav Aaron Butbul Shlita, Rav Ovadia’s shaliach to Har Choma, Rav Elyashiv used the Ramot eruv to reach his decision including Ramot in Yerushalayim, and a similar ruling based on Gemara Eruvin is used by Rav Ovadia regarding Har Choma, but he does not agree regarding Ramot.

Rav Ovadia released a p’sak calling on Har Choma’s residents to begin observing Purim as a neighborhood of Yerushalayim, on 15 Adar, and not as residents outside the capital who observe 14 Adar.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. This is not a new psak. Rav Nebenzhal SHLIT”A poskined this at least two years ago. I think that this is new for Rav Ovadia, because until this year, he held fakeret, against rov poskim in regards to Har Choma. THere is actually a choveres put out by the Rav/Vaad of Har Choma with all the inyanim and piske halacha. I think its called “Ani Choma” and was put out about two years ago.

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