Rabbi Moshe Schwed Director of the OU Daf Yomi Initiative, shares how All Daf enhances your learning

Here is how All Daf Enhances your Learning:

Learn the Daf with All Daf

Unable to attend an in-person shiur? Constantly on-the-go? With AllDaf.org, join thousands of people across the globe and listen to Daf Yomi shiurim from the world’s most popular maggidei shiur.

Speakers include…R’ Moshe Elefant, R’ Shalom Rosner, R’ Sruly Bornstein,R’ Aryeh Lebowitz, R’ Shloime Schwartzberg (Daf Hachaim), R’ Eluzer Rubin (Yiddish), and Rabbi Eli Mansour.

Retain the Daf with All Daf

Find yourself struggling to remember the content of the day’s Daf – even minutes after the shiur has ended? Just going through the motions but not really feeling fulfilled with your Daf learning? Whether you attend an in-person shiur or listen online, AllDaf.org has a variety of resources to help you review and retain your learning – all in just a few minutes a day.

This includes but is not limited to the Zichru Memory Program, 8-minute Daf Review, Daf Hachaim Intro, Daf Hachaim Review, and Masechta Review.

Go Beyond the Daf with All Daf

From practical Halachic takeaways to bite-sized Jewish history lessons, All Daf helps you broaden your general and Daf Yomi knowledge with exclusive mini-series on a variety of topics related to each day’s Daf.

A sampling of the shiur topics includes Jewish History in Daf Yomi, Pesukei HaDaf , Daf in Practice Halacha Series, Daf in Depth Lomdus Series, and Mishna on the Daf.

Delve into the Daf with All Daf

Looking for a more advanced style of learning? Want to go beyond basic Gemara and Rashi and add a little lomdus? With AllDaf.org, gain a deeper understanding of the day’s sugyos with in-depth shiurim ranging from 5 minutes to a half-hour.

Shiurim Include but are not limited to,

Daf-in-depth (5 minutes)

Tosfos Shiurim (15 minutes)

Daf Sugya Shiur (30 minutes)

Lomdus on the Daf (30 minutes)


Experience the daf like never before! Download the app today:

App Store: go.alldaf.org/apple

Google Play: go.alldaf.org/android

Website alldaf.org

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