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His Warmth, Genuine Smile, Refined Nature, Loyalty to Every Talmud: R’ Yisroel Duvid Klein Z”L

On Monday April 20th a gem has been taken from Klal Yisroel, we lost a ray of light, a pillar of chesed, a teacher and builder of Torah, a real askan, an icon in Monsey like none other. 

Rav Yisroel Dovid Klein Z”L a passionate Boyaner Chosid was a person whose kindness knew no bounds. Rivers of tears are being shed by thousands of people who were the beneficiaries of his endless stream of giving. The wound of his passing is still raw and the pain is so deep, and the impact will be felt by many for a long time.

We have lost a Yid for whom the word “no” didn’t exist in his lexicon. Every type of problem and situation found its way to his door, and every time he helped out to the best of his ability.

R’ Yisroel Duvid supported his family very modestly as a melamed for 25 years. With his amazing warmth he infused the young hearts of his talmidim with a love of Torah and yiddishkeit.

However, every moment that he wasn’t in the classroom, he was occupied with his myriad chesed activities. His kindness and askanus had not boundaries, not differentiating between the poor, wealthy, chassidish, non-chassidish, the healthy, the sick, hachnasas kallah, keren yesomim, matanos l’evyonim, kimcha d’pischa, tomchei Shabbos, bikur cholim, R’ Meir Baal Haness, Kupas Ezra, Mosdos Hatorah, lomdei torah and so much more.

A giant has fallen, a giant in torah and chesed – he spent his day teaching torah to children then took a chesed call to take someone to the hospital, from there to arrange a fundraiser for a mosad, and then to make deliveries for tomchei Shabbos. And before returning home he would knock on several doors to raise funds for another important cause. This was his typical day. He was always available to listen to everyone regardless of the cause or the time of day.

Above all, he never took credit for any of his endless charitable activities and was always quick to point out others who deserve the full credit. 


Dear Brothers, the time has come for us to continue his shining legacy. His family is mourning their personal loss and the wounds will take a long time to heal. But in the meantime Klal Yisroel will reassure them that his beautiful life of Tzedakah and Chesed will continue to live, and Klal Yisroel will replicate his generosity, and support this emergency campaign.

Yes! We will make it happen happen! He jumped into action to help anyone in need and so will we do!

A Campaign has been launched to raise the necessary funds for the family to survive. Kindly open up your hearts, lend them a hand, be their shoulder to lean on, and contribute generously to this campaign. Let’s show this broken-hearted family that Klal Yisroel didn’t forget their father’s tremendous Chesed, and that Klal Yisroel took lessons from him and carries on his legacy of generosity. 

Please donate generously HERE.

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