American Friends of Yad Eliezer|B’ezri Ensures: The Meron Families are not Forgotten

About a year and a half has passed since the horrific Meron tragedy, but starting the morning immediately after the accident and for every day since, American Friends of Yad Eliezer|B’ezri has been there for the 41 affected families who live in Israel, providing them with tremendous relief and comfort through vital financial assistance.

Thanks to the very generous giving of The Meridian Initiative led by Ralph Herzka and the Thank You Hashem group who partnered to fund our Keren Meron, American Friends of Yad Eliezer|B’ezri has been supplying the victims’ families with ongoing, comprehensive support, alleviating the heavy strain they are under, due to the many challenges they face.

The Keren Meron assists these heartbroken families with a wide range of needs including various forms of emotional therapies for suffering family members, generous support for all the Yomim Tovim and monthly stipends for the Almanos to help cover their children’s necessities. The Keren has also assisted with construction costs to adjust parents’ and in-laws’ homes to accommodate the “new” Almanos and Yesomim and has even coordinated a therapeutic retreat for the families that included counseling sessions and activities for the children.

Two of the 41 families have critically injured boys who nearly died during the tragedy. Though they were spared, they suffered life-altering injuries (including brain damage, r”l) and now require constant medical attention, therapies, medications, equipment and nursing care. The costs are exorbitant and their parents’ parnassas have been destroyed due to the situation. American Friends of Yad Eliezer|B’ezri is assisting these families as well, providing them with support for their children’s numerous needs including medical expenses, therapy fees, construction costs to make homes handicap accessible, moving fees, help with Yom Tov and other necessities so they can keep their families functional while adjusting to their difficult circumstances.

The Keren’s representatives are in contact with every family on a continual basis, to stay apprised of their situations and needs, ensuring we can offer whatever help possible for additional requirements that come up. New glasses, dental expenses, tutoring…bills large or small, we are there for them.

As we welcome in the New Year, American Friends of Yad Eliezer|B’ezri is extremely grateful for the zechus to serve as a source of chesed in our mission to support the Meron families. We could never have accomplished all we’ve done without the incredible support of Ralph Herzka’s Meridian Initiative, the Thank You Hashem group and our many donors. Thanks to them, we will continue to help these families rebuild their lives. Together, we will ensure that the Meron families are not – and will never be – forgotten. 

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