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Yeshiva Midrash Shmuel: Yeshiva our Home, Torah our Life

Hashem’s children and the Torah. Is there any connection more unlimited in its potential? Any relationship more transcendent? Any bond more iconic to our nation?

Thirty years ago, with the opening of Yeshiva Midrash Shmuel, Rabbi Binyomin Moskovits set out to give bochurim this gift. The gift of a love for Torah. The gift of joyously acting upon that deep love. And all the sweet gifts that the Torah bestows upon its learners.


Rabbi Moskovits gives over the rich, authentic Torah he received from illustrious Gedolim, including HaRav HaGaon Shmuel Rozovsky zt”l, HaRav HaGaon Chatzkel Levenstein zt”l, and HaRav HaGaon Elazar Menachem Man Shach zt”l. The Rosh Yeshiva, a gadol b’Torah in his own right, acts as a gilded link in shalshles haTorah.

Moreover, all Rebbeim at Midrash Shmuel are Talmidim of the Rosh Yeshiva. With the staff unified in their learning style, voice, and mindset, the path to growth is clear.


Rebbeim? “Fathers” may be a better term to aptly express the care and concern the Rebbeim show towards the bochurim. The bochurim sense that the Rebbeim understand them, believe in them, and side with them. Needless to say, this tremendously advances their will to succeed.

Academic Excellence

The precise and organized learning method of Midrash Shmuel contributes to their academic self-confidence; they know they are highly productive and original in their learning. Along with the classical yeshiva curriculum, a Midrash Shmuel talmid gains a clear understanding of language and p’shat, tools and techniques for analytical thinking, and an understanding of how sources and droshos work.

In addition, Rebbeim encourage the bochurim to give Chaburas to smaller groups to encourage organizational, pedagogic, and oratorical skills.

“The division of shiurim positively impacts the Yeshiva,” explains Rabbi Zvi Solomon, longtime Rebbi at Midrash Shmuel. “In the first-year program, we have four-morning shiurim – and growing – with no more than 15 bochurim in each shiur. Also, we have four-afternoon Rebbeim who teach b’kius. The bochurim stay in the program until they are ready for the Rosh Yeshiva’s shiur.”

Hashkafas Hachaim

In a positive, beautiful way, Midrash Shmuel provides the bochurim with the proper Torahdig hashkafa. They enjoy exciting, interactive schmoozen and vaadim, which are built into their daily and weekly schedules.

“Actions speak louder than words.” The Rosh Yeshiva and Rebbeim model the demeanor and appearance of an upstanding Ben Torah. As parents of a talmid said, “The change in our son has been outstanding. His simcha, his davening, and his love for learning have all been inspired and encouraged by the wonderful Rosh Yeshiva and Rebbeim.”

Even as the bochurim enjoy healthy outlets and sports, their “Ben Torah” status doesn’t leave them.

Creation of a Community 

“The Shaarei Chessed neighborhood in Yerushalayim is now known as a makom Torah,” says Rabbi David Broch, another prominent Rebbi at Midrash Shmuel. “The Rosh Yeshiva began by teaching Torah to those thirsty for Dvar Hashem.” Presently, Shaarei Chessed is home to 140 Kollel Avreichim who learn at Midrash Shmuel, many of whom learned there as bochurim.

The Proof is in the Pudding

When asked about the Alumni of the Yeshiva, R’ Doniel Stahl, the Yeshiva’s administrator, answers with pride, “Whether they go on to learn full time or provide for their families, Torah is the focal point and driving force of their lives.”

Learn More About The Yeshiva

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