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Dershowitz Helped Convince Obama To Keep Carter From Speaking At Convention

ca.jpgAlan Dershowitz says he helped convince Barack Obama to keep Jimmy Carter from speaking at the Democratic National Convention.

“I pushed him very hard to make that decision,” Dershowitz said in an interview. “Barack Obama had to make a choice between his Jewish supporters and his anti-Israel supporters like Jimmy Carter, and he did not choose Jimmy Carter.  And that was an embarrassment for Jimmy Carter and a show of disrespect.”

“It was a good decision, a wise decision, a moral decision,” the Harvard Law professor added.

Carter did appear in the convention hall, but he did not make any remarks from the podium. A video of the former president helping with Katrina relief was shown at the Denver gathering.

In the interview, Dershowitz also said he believes that Obama’s support in the pro-Palestinian community could make it easier to advance the peace process.

“The fact that there are some in the pro-Palestinian community who like him may be a positive thing—that he can reach out to both communities and be an honest broker who, without compromising Israel’s security, can facilitate a kind of peace that will be both in the best interests of Israel and the best interests of the Palestinian people,” Dershowitz said. “I have a high level of confidence, not perfect confidence but a high level of confidence, that he will do the right thing.”

Dershowitz also said he was not interested in working in an Obama administration because “I want to keep my own independent views independent.”

(Source: JTA)

7 Responses

  1. It was definitely the correct decision, and it’s comforting, now after the fact, to know that Obama did the right thing. And yet, before the fact, there were many Republicans who were absolutely thrilled that Carter would be speaking…

  2. So Dershowitz, since this was so “important” to tell us, why didnt you mention this BEFORE the election? Was it perhaps because you realized this would just push more people away from Obama and as such it was better for the person you were supporting to keep your mouth shut?

  3. So I’m supposed to be relieved, thrilled, happy, & grateful??? Dershowitz, be careful or you’ll turn into a white Uncle Tom. Obama is selling Israel & all Jews down the Nile as fast as he can. Get used to 4 years of hell.

    The Obamabists/Obamabots are already “dissing” us white folk. I had it today in Target. If I was Black I would have been treated with respect by the customer service rep. And I told her & her manager that, very loudly. I am not finished with them yet.

    Obama is bad for the Jews & Israel, both as a person & as an example for HIS people. G-d help us all.

  4. Bestbubby, I am the minority shopper in many of the stores I go to. Maybe it’s because I walk in with a smile (or the clerk may notice my smile at a cute baby in line ahead of me regardless of color), but I have NEVER felt mistreated in a store because I’m not black.

  5. To Tzippi:

    When I reached the desk I smiled & said how delighted I was that there was no line & it was my lucky day. Then she let rip.

    A little girl in Crown Heights on her way home from school last week was accosted by a 7 year old Black girl who called her whitey, threatened to throw things at her & said “We’re in charge now.”

    This is what we have to put up with since Obama. And yes, I do know how to talk pleasantly to everyone no matter his/her color. Obviously this minimum wage, educationally challenged person feels sufficiently empowered to be rude & obnoxious. She’s not the only one, unfortunately. At least in Brooklyn.

  6. dear tzippi,if you have had positive experiences with black folk in the stores,consider yourself lucky. ever been to the motor vehicle office on w.8th st in brooklyn? or in any motor vehicle offices in the 5 boroughs,see how they treat you there. is it only in nys govt jobs that they act this way? i dont know. but anyone who has gone to w.8th st will likely tell you the same thing as i mentioned above. most of THEM are arrogant(even before obama)and very racist.

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