Name That Tune!

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    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Country Boy – Journeys 4


    Some of your words are slightly off, but it’s still recognizable as Country Boy.


    oh good, i was starting to wonder if I had composed the song…..nobody but me seemed to know it 😉


    How about this one:

    “…wrecked by pain, confusion in their eyes, young and helpless, feel all alone…”


    SIDI: That should be “wracked by pain.” (It’s unGoogleable either way.)

    I don’t think I know it, but is it about Rav Eliezer Silver going into convents (etc?) after the War and identifying the Jewish children by saying “Shema Yisrael” ?


    Randomex, I see why you’d think that, but I don’t think those words are from that song (unless there’s a second version with slightly different words.) I’m listening to it right now to double-check.

    I’m not sure where those words are from.


    In memory of Arnold Fine:

    In the year, taf-taf-lamed-tes

    There’ll be a daily paper called the Jewish Press

    For fifty dollars you can check it out, folks

    To see if Arnold Fine has run out of jokes (whoa-oo-whoa)

    This is an old song – I recently remembered that this year was Taf-shin-ayin-gimmel! Boro Park survived (of course).

    (Fortunately for him, there were no predictions in the song for this year. When 5784 rolls around, watch the esrog prices! But the prediction for 5796 is simply impossible [a shteeble every 15 feet].)


    Country Yossi and the Shteeble Hoppers! In the Year…


    That’s right. By the way, the song he parodied (“In the Year 2525”, by Zager and Evans) was the only hit for the group, and its bleak-sci-fi-future speculation was #1 when the USA put a man on the moon.


    My song is not really fair because it is not a complete song and the words have been altered from the original song. But it is sung by the same persons/group as the original. Hint: think of the words “confusion in their eyes” and see what you come up with!

    Let me know when you want the answer…

    I don’t think I know it, but is it about Rav Eliezer Silver going into

    convents (etc?) after the War and identifying the Jewish children by saying “Shema Yisrael” ?

    That would be Yaakov Shewkey’s Shema song. These words are not from there.


    I’m afraid you’ve crossed into Googleable territory, SIDI !

    I Googled it (that’s how we think nowadays, especially if we’re ignorant and apathetic about a lot of Jewish music) and I came up with YBC’s “In a Song,” which isn’t a perfect match, so it must be the original song. Is the answer a live YBC medley?

    (I also found out that there is a Jewish music wiki on Wikia.)


    (DaMoshe, please don’t answer this! [Darn.])

    Down at the chicken farm they’re in a fright

    All those chickens running left and right

    Lookit them chickens go!

    Yes, it’s Jewish. Don’t you believe me?

    [I might be off by an exact word or two, as it’s been a while since I heard it, but no more. When I looked for the mp3 to check,

    I found I’d deleted it, probably thinking I didn’t care to hear it again.]


    Seeeing as this is pretty much the music thread:

    If anyone here owns Step It Up (the dance game), can I ask

    you to post a list of the instrumental songs it includes?

    (Also those from its 2nd and 3rd track packs, if you have them

    and if there are any such songs in those.)


    Why can’t I answer it?


    Because I assume you know. I didn’t go through the bother of posting it just for you to pick it off. (Sorry!)


    Yes Googlex, it is YBC’s “In a Song” . Eli Gerstner took this song and changed around words for RCCS and he and a child soloist sang it (using originally recorded music and choir from the original song.) If you want to find it, search “Eli Gerstner RCCS”.


    Well, if we’re going to talk about names, what are we supposed to say you did?


    Ha ha! What ever you want. But the real Q is, did I?


    Does anyone know these songs?

    “Continuing to pray,

    Knows she’ll find her way….” I don’t know the rest, at least, I don’t remember it…what is the song called and what are the rest of the lyrics?

    Also, “He says do you have a gemara…..”?? And then something about “my gemarakup, my boy” Anyone know??

    And last one, something like: “Her only son is serving on the line(???)” Please help! I hate it when I remember one or two lines of a song!!


    1st song: Sorry, don’t know!

    2nd song:

    Do you have a gemara

    A Gemara Bava Metzia

    My Leibele is starting[?…]

    [?…] joy

    My gemarakup, my boy!

    The song tells the story of a man and his wife who both (independently) use the money they had saved for something significant to them to buy a Gemara for their son who is starting to learn it (resulting in ownership of two Gemaras – one hopes they were returnable). Though this of course bears a resemblance to O. Henry’s “The Gift of the Magi,” if I remember correctly, the incident actually took place. For all that, I don’t know the name of the song or who recorded it. Someone around here should, though.

    3rd song:

    “Hu Yivarech” – Dov Hoschander

    I didn’t know it, but I usually Google the lyric even though you’re not supposed to be able to (because I said so!).

    (Perhaps your filter doesn’t allow Google or similar sites?)

    By the way, shouldn’t your name be “cozimajew” ?


    Update: The second song is “Leibele,” from the album There’s a Place in My Mind, composed by Mrs. Dina Storch and sung by various male singers.


    Oh thanks sooo much!! Yes I tried googling, maybe you’re right. Yes I am a Jew. However, my name is not just random, I wanted it to say I’m Jewish specifically, coz I go to a school with many types of girls – chassidish, litvish, sefardi etc. When we were younger everybody used to ask each other, “Are you lebavitch/litvish/sefardi etc.?” I didn’t know, so when I got home, I asked my parents what type we are. They said, “Nothing. We aren’t litvish, we aren’t chassidish, we aren’t sefardi etc. We’re Jewish.” So that was my answer to the question from then on. I am proud to be just plain Jewish 🙂


    no, its not that my computer doesn’t allow google, I have googled things in the past…..I don’t know why this didnt come up!


    BTW, on the album “There’s A Place In My Mind” (featuring Avrumi Flam with guest singers Yehuda! and Dov Levine) there is a song entitled “Be Proud That You’re A Jew”!


    Yeah there’s other songs like that. Track 3 on Chevra 4 is called ‘I’m a Jew’ and some of the lyrics are:

    “Sing it loud: I am so proud….I’m a Jew.” I’m not disputing that fact:) It’s just a personal thing. Obviously, everyone in my class is a Jew. Question is, what type of Jew are you? And I’m nothing – just plain Jewish! lol so my username is staying as it is for now 🙂


    I tell people I’m a Chossid of Hashem!


    I’m a girl and I aint chassidish….so that wouldn’t work for me:) but good answer though. Btw, this thread is supposedly about songs, not the significance of my username:D


    Well then I shouldn’t have a problem discussing my username in this thread…

    And you could be a chossid without being Chassidish. A chossid is someone who goes lifnim meshuras hadin. ‘Chassidish’ is a loosely distributed term, generally used as a category of people wearing round fur hats and long satin outercoats and black or white socks, sometimes boots too.

    Back to the songs… can you guess this one: …”futer in himmel enfert farvus?” Used to be my favorite.


    You want me to start a thread for you? 😀 There is already a thread to discuss usernames but I don’t got the patience to find it right now…

    Am I even allowed to be talking to you (boy/girl)?!

    MBD has a song where he says, “…I’m so proud to be a Jew…”


    I think the song is entitled “I’m so proud”


    Randomex, what is the answer to the chicken song?


    Country Yossi’s got a song called “I’m Proud to Be a Part of Am Yisroel” (on the album Ride Again!), if we’re making a game of naming such songs.

    Chossid has three meanings:

    1. The original – “Haoseh chessed im kono.”

    2. A Jew of the chassidic persuasion.

    3. Someone with a certain relationship with a rebbe (this meaning is derived, of course, from the emphasis Chassidic teachings put on such a relationship).

    You can use the third meaning in reference to Hashem (presumably as a joke) whether you’re chassidish or not. The female form of the word is “chassidah.”

    Personal discussions about things that come up in threads (like discussing someone’s username) is an issue that may not have a solution other than just letting people do it.

    I plan on posting about this in the “For PAA and Randomex…” thread one of these days.

    Males and females “talking” to each other on the CR is another issue I plan to address. No starting such a thread before I do, please, and I copyright the thread title

    “Males and females on and of the CR [not a typo].”


    (An earlier attempt at a post was not approved, so I’m splitting it up. I hope I’m allowed to say that.)

    DaMoshe, you may answer now – I’ll wait for you to visit

    the CR before I post the answer, b’li neder.


    I’d like to give DaMoshe a chance to answer first. Meanwhile, here’s a hint to help you find it yourself – the line before the first line I posted is

    “Everybody eats it Friday night.”

    How much more Jewish does that sound? 🙂



    I figured out why the Dov Hoschander song didn’t show up when you searched for it. 🙂

    When using Google (and most search engines), there is a difference between, for example, searching for

    [her son is serving on the line] and searching for

    [“her son is serving on the line”]. A search with quotation marks around some words will find only pages that have those words in that order.

    (If it finds no results for the exact phrase, it will show results for the same search without quotes and tell you so).

    This is obviously a more precise and powerful way to search, though it can be a stumbling block if you’re misremembering something even slightly.

    Also (although it wouldn’t have mattered in this case), when trying to find a song by searching for some of its words, it’s usually best to put in the word [lyrics] in addition to the actual lyrics, and, if you don’t see what you’re looking for on the first page, to check at least the second page as well, especially if it’s something obscure like a Jewish song.





    The first song on Country Yossi’s first album is “Cause I’m a Jew.” Given your love of music, I was joking that you should’ve had the name that would mean the same thing and reference a song.

    I guess you’re too young to have gotten the

    joke – the album came out in 1983.

    If you like Jewish music, though, you should definitely get your hands on all six albums by “Country Yossi and The Shteeble-Hoppers” and These I Remember, which consists of 8 songs by his old group The Or Chodosh and 2 new ones.

    NOTICE: The majority of the “Shteeble-Hoppers” songs are parodies of non-Jewish songs. (These I Remember has no parodies.)



    It’s hard to imagine a Jew without any religious or ethnic communal

    background… Were your grandparents and great-grandparents also just plain Jewish people?


    No, before the war my grandmother (and I think also my grandfather) was chassidish (don’t ask which chassidus, wouldn’t have a clue.) I think my other grandparents were litvish. However, after the war, my grandmother let go of chassidus, I guess, and we don’t hold anything. Also, I am I guess what people who don’t know better would call “litvish” but we aren’t really, because we still keep minhagim that my grandparents kept in hungary, e.g. mitzvah tanz, no gebrokts (not sure if that’s chassidish or not, but most litvish people I know eat gebrokts on pesach).


    Also, Randomex, thanx for the tip I’ll try it 🙂 yes I have not been around that long, although I do know a lot of old songs (in relation to my friends, who only know songs from about 2006 onwards 🙂 )



    0: Bullet points. WANT! Please give me the code for them and any other non-alphanumeric symbols you know. Pretty please?

    The Joke thread is not really meant for discussions of any type. By having a lengthy conversation it ruins the whole point of that thread.

    Surely you can discuss the jokes? We were arguing, which might be better done elsewhere,but where?

    2: That kind of thread may be worth re-doing for the fresh perspectives and/or knowledge the current community has to offer.

    3: Check again. It’s there now, 2 posts above yours.


    I actually submitted a post before the one you responded to with everything in my posts that have gone up since then, but it wasn’t approved. I’m not sure if the mod misunderstood me or was just concerned that others might, but I could have been misconstrued as speaking disparagingly of baalei teshuvah/geirim.

    Instead, I came at the idea from another angle

    (“grandparents and great-grandparents”).

    It’s a good thing I’ve learned to keep a copy of anything I attempt to post (another issue I plan to address someday.)


    Modified old rejected post:

    Thinking of the words “confusion in their eyes,” I remembered “The Twilight in Your Eyes”, but that’s

    all (kol isha warning).

    Actually, it seems the phrase isn’t uncommon as a lyric.

    Patur Aval Assur


    I have been wondering when you would finally join that thread.

    It’s just the opposite, as I so eloquently explained:


    Hi, PAA! Listen, I’d thought it possible to read all posts starting from the time one becomes active, and I still do, but the time it would take, and certainly the time it would take to read and respond as thoroughly as I (possibly pathologically) do…

    It’s just not practical, and wouldn’t be worth it even if it was.

    Oh, that thread? Yeah, yeah, whenever I get around to it, assuming I don’t consider it to old to bump by then… Okay, it should be sooner than that – it’s just my current tiredness speaking…


    Randomex – question: are you very particular about punctuation by any chance? You keep capitalizing my username 🙂 just write cozimjewish it makes your life easier 🙂


    Your job is not to figure out what will be accepted or edited by sending “tests” through (your words). If your posts continue to be about how to get different things through the moderators and then analyse how to use that information to get other things through (something you have mentioned), or if your posts continue to take too long to moderate because everything you reference has to be cross referenced, I will simply start deleting all posts. That is NOT what we are here for. Please respect the rules of the CR or you will be blocked.


    Also, Randomex, (you are going to regret ever helping me in the first place, since now I direct all my questions to you :P)how do you get a subtitle? And when it says “Inactive” or “blocked” is that a joke or serious?


    And last thing, also to Randomex – the chicken song is “Chicken Soup” (Country Yossi and the Shteeble Hoppers 4) See, I do know some old songs 🙂 but as far as country yossi goes, I prefer kivi and tuki – I can tell you the lyrics to any of their songs lol 😀


    pretty much 🙂

    Patur Aval Assur

    “Hi, PAA! Listen, I’d thought it possible to read all posts starting from the time one becomes active, and I still do, but the time it would take, and certainly the time it would take to read and respond as thoroughly as I (possibly pathologically) do…

    It’s just not practical, and wouldn’t be worth it even if it was.”

    Are you doing that because of me?

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