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B’chasdei Hashem: Infiltrator Nabbed By Nachal Chareidi Soldiers In Yishuv Einav

idffNachal Chareidi soldiers patrolling the Northern Shomron area on Tuesday evening 11 Cheshvan 5774 apprehended an Arab who infiltrated into Einav at about 18:00. It appears the unarmed infiltrator climbed the fence.

Immediately after it was realized that someone infiltrated the community the first-response team was alerted and the IDF notified. Residents were instructed to remain in their homes. B”H in this case the event ended without injuries or worse chas v’sholom.

It remains unclear what the unarmed individual climbed the community fence.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. It would be interesting to learn if one of these brave soldiers who prevented Jewish blood form bring spilled was one of the soldiers who was spit upon and villified by certain extreme memebrs of the religious communitey.

  2. Just think of how many innocent lives are saved by Nachal Charedi. These soldiers should be commended and not disgraced by extreme members of the religeous community. Shame on those who are so absorbed in their own political vendettas that they cant see the importance saving Jewish blood due to narrowmindness.
    Kol Hakavod to Nachal Charedi!

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