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Head of the Jewish Community of Ukraine: Putin wants to control Ukraine

lazputIn an interview with Tablet magazine, the chairman of the Association of Jewish Organizations and Communities of Ukraine (The Vaad of Ukraine), Josef Zissels, spoke out against Russian intentions for Ukraine and defended his support for the Ukrainian revolution despite charges that anti-Semitic elements have gained political power as a result.

“Russia doesn’t want to occupy Ukraine. Its goal is to control Ukraine,” explains Zissel. “Russia is categorically opposed to Ukraine moving toward the West, especially into NATO and also into the E.U. They think that their security will worsen if Ukraine goes European.” When asked if he thought that ethnic Russians supported Russian annexation of eastern Ukraine, Zissel replied with “It’s been highly exaggerated, this idea that they want to go over to Russia.”

Zissel also defended his support for the revolution despite the recent inclusion of the ultra-nationalist Svoboda party in the new Kiev government. He explained that Svoboda’s popularity increased only after it ceased making anti-Semitic rhetoric and that, in any event, it can be expected to garner only 1.4% of the electorate in the next election.

(Aliza Levine – YWN)

5 Responses

  1. First of all, if I am not mistaken (which I was once), the guy in the photo with the black hat is Rabbi Berel Lazar, not the rabbi discussed in the article.

    Second of all, Rabbi Lazar has said nice things about Mr. Putin, so the Jews of Ukraine have their bets covered. Fortunately for me, my Eastern European ancestors bet on America back in the middle of the 56th century (late 19th century for you Jews on the Gregorian calendar), and that bet worked out well for the first hundred years.

  2. You’re a bit confused, nfgo3. That was the 57th century. We’ve been in the 58th century since Gregorian 1939. Just like this is the Gregorian 21st century.

  3. Putin would, according to his vision of Russia as it should be, be wiser just to control Ukraine and the other ex-soviet/Warsaw Pact countries. However, he’s already fired up the Russian people to expect. More than that, which will bring nothing but trouble to the world. It will also bring about Putin’s downfall, since his cronies will get hit badly and lose tons of money.

  4. Berel Lazar’s cozy relationship with Putin is fueled by politics and money. His good standing with the Kremlin will not be any form of protekzia for anyone in Ukraine

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