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Videos: The Next Great Initiative from Agudath Israel

TNGI imageAt the recent Agudath Israel National Convention, “The Next Great Initiative” debuted.

The Next Great Initiative (TNGI) asked for submissions from people who saw a communal need and had a plan to fill it.

Nearly 100 submissions for potential new communal projects were submitted in advance of the convention.

At the convention five of these proposals, vetted by Lefkowitz Leadership Initiative (LLI) members and its Rabbinic Advisory Board, were presented. Some of these ideas are personal ones—the presenters have conceived of the initiatives themselves—and some are presenting programs that evolved based on other submissions, but in each case the presenter is someone who believes in the cause he is championing.

The projects are all worthy. We present them below and ask you to tell us which you feel will have the most impact; what we have dubbed the ‘wow factor’. Daf Yomi has the wow factor – the idea is beautiful and simple, but what makes it epic is the impact it has had on Klal Yisroel. In considering a submission, ask yourself: “If this idea is successful, will the impact it has on Klal Yisroel wow us?”

Text TNGI at 313131 – and let us know what is on your mind!







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