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WATCH THIS: Ambassador Haley Slams U.N.; Says US Is Determined To Stand Up To The UN’s Anti-Israel Bias

8 Responses

  1. what a breath of fresh air! i haven’t heard such a statement (even from the US) in years and certainly not during the obama administration. ambassador haley says that she is new at this and what she is going soon to find out is that, in spite of her logical points, she is in for a major resistence from many countries that are nothing less than blatant anti semites. prepare yourself, ambassador, it’s coming!

  2. Wow tremendous this open miracles
    והי שעמדה לאבותנו ולנו
    שבכל דור ודור עומדים עלנו לכלותנו Obama Clinton
    והקב”ה מצילנו Trump
    The Obama Nation end there term slamming Israel & I ask myself
    Why Tipshim Reporters can ask President Trump if he is antisemitic !!

  3. To hear someone speak truthfully about what goes on in the UN and what the UN is all about after so many years is completely refreshing. There will be a lot of pressure brought to bear on our new ambassador.

    Therefore, if everyone reading this could send her an email message of chizuk and tell her we are fully supportive of her efforts I believe it would go a long way in helping her fight the tremendously strong bias against Israel that seems baked into this institution named the United Nations (against Israel).

  4. A very brave and truthful woman indeed! High time that someone exposes the corrupt institution that the the UN became. The UN was ORIGINALLY formed to enhance peace , security and co-operation among ALL member nations and its policies were supposed to be enacted with fairness with the absence of any bias or prejudice.. Unfortunately , if late , it has become an Arab forum spewing anti minority hate , led by the most aggressive terrorist and terrorist- supporting governments!! Kol hakovid to the current US ambassador who has accurately described the corrupt nature of the current UN. Time to revert to the original purpose for which the UN was created!!!

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