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VIDEO: Attempted Vehicular Terror Attack in Halhul

The Arab media reports that IDF soldiers shot and killed the driver without cause. The helmet-cam from one of the soldiers shows a different story. The driver, a 72-year-old female terrorist, was killed by soldiers’ fire in the attempted attack.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem / Video: Medabrim Tikshoret)

4 Responses

  1. The video shows a car driving towards a group of soldiers. It seems that the driver was aimed at hitting the soldiers. If the intention was otherwise, the driver should have slowed, stopped, or gone around since there is more than a car’s width between the soldiers and the camera guy. Any responsible driver would not drive into a group of people, even a 72 year old, if the driver is responsible, which the video seems to show the driver is not, but not slowing and not going around.

    The question is whether the driver was a terrorist or an idiot. There’s a lot of coincidence for the driver to have a heart attack and lose vehicular control just before arriving at the soldiers….

  2. How the driver purposefully attempted to drive directly into a crowd of soldiers.

    Albeit too slowly, since they seem to have had time to move away. Unless the shooting took place before the car reached the soldiers. At least one shot can be seen being fired at the vehicle after it had already passed the soldiers, and therefore theoretically no longer posed a danger. But since the driver was obviously a suicidal maniac, why take a chance letting her get out of the car armed and shooting?

    I sometimes feel like shooting at cars that don’t stop at Stop signs or Red Lights and almost run me down in the streets of New York!!

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