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Chareidi Thugs Attack Deputy PM Yishai

7:50PM IL: As Deputy Prime Minister & Interior Minister Eli Yishai made his way to make a shiva visit at the Meah Shearim home of Maran R’ Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Shlita, area hoodlums bombarded his vehicle with rocks. It is unclear at this time if the minister was out of the car completely, which appears to have been the case. Shin Bet bodyguards rushed him to safety, taking advantage of a nearby building for cover.

Some of the agents distanced the hoodlums from the area as a MDA paramedic unit was dispatched amid reports that Yishai was injured. Baruch Hashem it was soon learned that he escaped uninjured and security agents extricated him from the area and canceled the paramedic ambulance response.

Kol Chai Radio, a chareidi station, questions the poor judgment and total disregard for any authority, even for a chareidi minister, condemning the actions of the thugs as Yishai was on his way to a shiva visit at Maran Gadol HaDor Shlita.

The news of this attack, which occurred a very short time ago, is spreading quickly in the media and the chilul Hashem compounds the recent actions of the hoodlums who seem to continue to indiscriminately strike without rabbonim or community askanim daring to rebuke their actions and seek to expel them from the community.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

36 Responses

  1. “without rabbonim or community askanim daring to rebuke their actions and seek to expel them from the community”

    Huh? What community? These guys belong to no community other themselves. No rabbonim have any influence over them unfortunately.

  2. What rav or community “askan” would ever endorse violence to be committed by frum jews???? that’s where the problem begins. The thugs have been misguided all these years thinking that any form of violence is allowed and then they take matters into their own hands and commit crimes against society and hashem. They should all be locked up and the so called rabbanim that have endorsed this in the past should be locked up as well for inciting violence.

  3. this is disgusting, absolutely disgusting. as i said in another post, these people avoid going to the army, they dont get jobs, they take welfare. what is expected in return? that they learn. thats why they dont go to the army, or get jobs. to learn. and thats all well and good. GO LEARN! how on earth can these people get up in the morning and look themselves over in the mirror and not turn away in disgust? they are stealing from the rabim if they do not use their time for torah STEALING! they are being supported by the hard work of others and all those others ask in return is that they learn. i am not painting with a broad brush. i am referring to people who are involved in disgusting acts like these!

  4. It is not clear why the gadolim, shlita, have totally abdicated any responsibility to speak out on this matter and show some leadership. At a time when kahal yisroel screams out for someone to put these thugs in place, they are wasting so much time on trivia. What has happened to our great rabbonim that they simply remain silent why this chilul hashem goes on unchallenged??

  5. these guy should lose their monthly stipend, medical care, etc that the government provides to them…dont bite the hand that feeds u (never mind chilul hashem)

  6. a bully understand one thing only . you hit him back much harder then when he tries to hit you and then you suffer the consequences what ever they maybe . just don’t come home to mommy later crying , because no one will have pity on you.

  7. unity is the major issue. we need unity and there is no other way than the left needs to unify with the right. the right will never go to the left as they base there judgement on reason whereas the left bases there judgement on stupidity. look how instrumental the lubavitch rebbe was, creating the biggest unity between charedim and zionism. pull to the right please the left is crippling. clip the leftist extremists

  8. To #1, why don’t our fearless leaders first try doing something aggressive to fix the problem, and then we can decide if these bums don’t belong to any community. It’s way too simple to declare that the wrongdoers are by definition not a part of the community.

  9. These people are the Yerushalmi kanoim and lunatics from Meah Shearim/Beit Shemesh. They listen only to their rabbonim. Anyone not following their narrow and twisted form of yiddishkiet is worse than a goy. Most of these animals come from the Satmar school of thought and although I deeply respect the previous Satmer and Toldos Aharon rebbes it makes me wonder what went wrong with their derech when it produces such weeds like this. Would Reb Moshe, Reb Yaakov or Rav Pam or their talmidim behave like this? It so clear why the regular chiloni in the street hates us. How many are brought closer to Hashem by their actions? Most times these violent demonstrations achieve nothing but cause more enmity

  10. This makes no sense. If these rock throwers live in Meah Shearim, why would they wait around to throw a rock at Yishai when he is merely an emissary of the voters and rabbis who support him? Why would they not throw rocks at the rabbis and other leaders who come or live in Meah Shearim? Could this be a case of a saboteur pretending to be from Meah Shearim? Why didn’t they catch the rock thrower?!

  11. If they only listen to their rabbonim, why not put these rabbonin in cherem for advocating and condoning this chillul hashem. What other options are available to the gadolim before, c’v, their is bloodshed and death from these riots.

  12. To #10,what do you mean worse then a goy,don’t insult the goyim.No more food stamps for these bums,and about joining the army,which side would they be on???

  13. to bombmaniac
    just by the way they don’t take anything from the government they do NOT take welfare and do NOT look themselves over in the mirror. 🙂

  14. #10 i just (re)read the artscroll’s Rav Pam this past shabbos. whats going on in Israel? the gedolim,rabanim,rebeim, PARENTS!!?? have no control over these people/children/husbands? what kind of wild being is this thing called a CHAREIDI?

  15. This is the beginning of the end for any chareidi role in the leadership and government of EY. Even those who are not actively rioting (which is the large percentage of the so called “chaeidim”, their leadership and gadolim have shown themselves to be inept and ineffective in gaining control over the situation. C’v we would rely on any of these rabbonim in the event of a war or national disaster.

  16. it is forbidden to participate in the government, this is an abdomination.
    what do you americans know? you are so deep in the egel hazahav, all women walk with custom sheitel which is pritzus in the highest degree and you complain about a few guys who throw stones.

  17. BH In response to “taharaskodesh” = it is not forbidden to participate in the govt as long as our motives are l’shaym shomayim. In fact, as I’ve previously written, if the religious Yidden in Israel will stop fighting each other and stop looking down at each other – then they can nominate truly Gd Fearing Jews to go to the Knesset and local govt – and they will be able iyH to change the direction of the Nation. Stop whining about nonobservant Jews running the govt. When was the last time you offered to place yourself in the Knesset and to fight for Torah Judaism? It’s easier for you to sit back & complain. Also, who in the world do you think you are? “What do you Americans know” – this is a prime example of what I am writing – all you do is look down at other Jews if they are not exactly like you.
    All you do is criticize, complain, without regard for halachah. WE Jewish Americans are NOT deep in the egel hazahav, chas v’chalilah. What in the world do you mean by this? Not all Jewish Women in the USA wear custom sheitels. And even if they did, what makes it pritzus? How in the world can you make such a statement against all Jewish Women in America? Your lashon hara is an “abomination”. Your entire statement is nothing but lashon hara, r’chilus, and based on negativity. We don’t complain about a few guys throwing stones. We complain about Jews that claim to be religious, and they do the work of the other nations. They do not shine light to the world, they are filled with darkness as you are, they do not understand the result of the actions & neither do you. It would be such a magnificent Kiddush HaShem if they didn’t throw stones, and instead they sat learning Torah, bringing others to do mitzvohs and learn Torah, to have greeted the Minister with a handshake and not a stone. What if they did this? We would all be writing about how wonderful they are – instead they act like chalariahs and the entire world watches and laughs at us. These so called frum Jews hurt not only themselves, but the entire Jewish People when they act this way because all the other nations in the world, and all the non religious Jews look at these activities & believe all Jews do this. I DO NOT do these things. No one I know does these things (in Israel or in America). STOP making stupid excuses for these hipocrits = then again, I think you are one of them. Such a shanda!

  18. I did not see any cheredi doing anything wrong in this video.
    This whole thing sounds like a bunch of trumped up, false charges, to make Cheredim, look bad.

  19. The reason why the Rabbonim are quiet is because it is important to continue the noise in the holy city of Yerushalayim. Why you ask? Because the secular anti religious government wants to turn Yerushalayim into another Telaviv,paris, or secular European city. The greatest accomplishment on keeping Yerushalyim Torah oriented goes to the young heroes lighting fires each day. This keeps secular investers out of Yerushalayim and makes the secular run to other areas. Our sages are very smart. They know that by inciting against the secular zionist,young chareidim will keep their distance. I myself this past year witnessesd how chareidi kids so called off the derech were fiercly argueing for Shabbos against Chilonim. It was a pleasure to watch. KEEP THE PROTESTS GOING. Soon all of Israel will be Chareidim.

  20. “all women walk with custom sheitel [sic] which is pritzus in the highest degree”!? Learn some ben ish chai, read some history of Jewish Europe, or at least get your head out of the Zohar, and understand maseches Kesubbos correctly. “a few guys who throw stones”!? these people are a) being mechalel shem shamayim befarhesya b) giving a bad name to Frum yidden c) (in this case) hindering someone on his way to be menachem avel.

  21. Rexford wrote:”These people are the Yerushalmi kanoim and lunatics from Meah Shearim/Beit Shemesh. They listen only to their rabbonim. Anyone not following their narrow and twisted form of yiddishkiet is worse than a goy.”
    Is there something wrong in listening to their rabonim? Are you considering the “form of Yiddishkeit” from the Gava”d SHlit”a and Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch and the rest of their gedolim as “narrow and twisted”? Perhaps because it’s not exactly the way you think. Oh! I got it! so they consider not following them “worse than a goy” and you’re considering not following you “twisted and narrow”! That’s it!

  22. We have developed a generation of people who purport to be committed to full time learning.
    However many amongst them leave the Beis HaMedrash at the first sign of a protest or any other excuse.
    If they are really not committed or capable of sitting yomom ve’liela it would be preferable for them to go out and find gainful work.
    I am sure the vast majority of the leading Rabbonim do not support the hooligans and many think their words of reproof will not be listened to; however they must still official distance themselves and the Charedi Community in Jerusalem from the massive Chilul HaShem unfolding in our Holy City.
    The few lunatic “rabbis” whose evil utterances fuel the antics of the hooligans must be named, shamed and ostricized until and if they do Teshuvah.

  23. cdkra did you ever go to school ? Your english is so poor, especially the grammer. The bottom line is that the Eidah Rabbonim and their ilk are not Rav Wosner, Rav Shteinman or Rav Elyashiv, something they find hard to accept.
    It is so clear that because of their extremism they cannot see things in a clear manner. But I forgot you are probably brought up with the lie that gedolim never make mistakes and because of Da’as Torah we must blindly follow whatever they say like sheep

  24. In response to Dan you are forgetting that these people do belong to a kehilla with Rabbonim just that their Rabbonim agree with all the hafganot. Even though they say please no violence they know full well what will happen. I’m afraid it’s the ideology that’s at fault. This is what I mean when I say that they are living in the past. The State is a fact that you cannot ignore. A person has to live the reality of today no that of 60 or even a hundred years ago.

  25. BSD

    Perhaps YeshivaWorldNews should lead the frum media and stop calling these thugs charedi. Maybe “Kanoi” in quotes, or fanatic, might do it, but the frum media is inadvertently perpetrating the stereotype of the “ugly charedi” by using the term to describe this band of oisvorfen led by police and ShaBaK shtinkers. In fact they are being encouraged and given attention to make the rest of us look bad.

  26. to 613770
    As I understand you are a chabdzker. The rebbe was a Tzaddik and most of you nowadays desecrate his name in what you are doing (the rebbe is mashiach etc)
    the ba’al hatanya said that sheitels are forbidden.
    the poskim who gave a heter to sheitels didn’t thhink about custom sheitels but sheitels that look like goaat hair.

  27. to 613770 i think you should look at Shulchan Oruch HaRav siman 75 sif daled where he clearly says that they are muttar.

  28. To Rexford,
    I don’t know what the rules of commenting are in this website (if there are any). I davkeh held myself back until now from personal attacks. If you read ALL my comments you’ll never find me humiliating someone personally. I rather try to bring out my opinion strongly. I did this, thinking that a website being considered “yeshivish” surely has some rules regarding being personal.
    Rexford, I’m sure your a good guy, it’s just your frustration on my strong points that differ from your way of thinking that brought you out of your norm to attack my schooling and my grammar. May I ask, what was your goal with this? In my eyes this is a known tactic in the media to first humiliate the actual person thereby influencing the readers to accept ones opinion over the others.
    Also, my gut feeling is that you’re not just a member like all the people commenting here. For some reason I feel that your from the editorial staff!
    OK! once you’re starting to talk on world beknown gedolim like Hagoan Reb Moshe Sternbuch and others, I have nothing to argue, as the old saying goes: first you make him “aus rebbe” and then you can talk on him whatever you want.
    I agree with you that gedolim can make mistakes. However, are you the one to pasken when an error ocurred?
    Secondly, they never paskened to do all this what’s going on, they just came out with tousands of people to protest. They, just like “Rav Wosner, Rav Shteinman or Rav Elyashiv”, didn’t condemn the acts going on.
    And another question. Not going into what is actually right or wrong, since we know “Eilu Vo’eilu divrei Elokim Chaim”. I’m relating to the controversial issue of accepting funds from the government. Now, even say that it’s muttar, the fact of the matter is that “Hashochad ye’aver”, so why do you quote that “It is so clear that because of their extremism they cannot see things in a clear manner” rather than the on other gedolim “It is so clear that because of Hashochad ye’aver they cannot see things in a clear manner”? Can’t they too make mistakes? The bottom line is, we’re not the ones to decide on this, period.

  29. To my dear cdkra I hear your points.
    But I would like to understand, if the Torah is drocher’ho darkai noam would you not agree that something is wrong with the derech that produces people who behave in such a manner? They did not wake up like this over night. As I said before I deeply respect the previous Satmer and Toldos Aharon rebbes but it makes me wonder what happened with their derech when it produces people who behave like this? Would Reb Moshe, Reb Yaakov or Rav Pam or their talmidim behave like this?
    Regarding history I could give you many examples. If you send me your email I would gladly give you examples. But it’s late, so until we beg to differ again shalom.

  30. #30, R Moshe Feinstein has a teshuva discussing whether sheitels might be a maaris ayin issue. In this tshuva he not only states that sheitels are 100% fine, but that even the sheitels that are indistinguishable from real hair are not a problem (which back then were few and far between, as he says)

  31. To rexford,
    I would gladly provide you with my email address, I’m really curious on examples. Is there a way to direct it to you without it being public?

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