Reply To: Talking With Members of The Opposite Gender

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Talking With Members of The Opposite Gender Reply To: Talking With Members of The Opposite Gender


Your mekoros are meaningless. Do any of them mention writing electronic characters that are then moderated and edited, then placed on a server and become visible to people who have no idea who the person is who started the process, and who are unable to see him, know his gender, hear his voice, what his face looks like and have no idea how to otherwise contact him or her. Do we require rechokos between these electronic characters?

YOU HAVE NO IDEA. Your arguments are all meaningless without the opinion of a Talmid Chochom. There is no parallel to this situation in any of your mekoros. There is NO PSAK on this question in any of your Mekoros.

You want us to all abandon and shut down this website on YOUR logic and interpretation?


I don’t know you. You may even not be a Jew. Maybe you are a Xian “scholar” who studies “Jewish Law” in the University.

Perhaps you are an enemy of the Jewish people and have your own nefarious reasons for wishing to damage a frum website. Who are you? Who am I? Who knows?