Reply To: shidduchim and weight…..

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yeshivaguy-Yeah girls come home from seminary off this planet but they all eventually settle down to be their own person. i don’t remember who said it but s/1 said they don’t like BJJ kids. I know s/1 who went to BJJ and they always say it was such a mix-girls from PPY to Bais Rochel Monsey and OOTers from France, Switzerland… They all came home in the skies and eventually turned into their own person and took the hashkafos their own way.

Poppa-You’ve got a lot to learn. Every BY girl is her own person. Just because a school wants to make them a certain type it doesn’t mean they aren’t their own. Yes, many are the same type but among the same type there are trllions of diff. types. YOU CANNOT CATAGORIZE ALL BY GIRLS TOGETHER! Plus all BY schools are slightly different in different places.